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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectEvil Conjurers
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=12917
12917, Evil Conjurers
Posted by dalneko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I remeber reading on one of these boards that playing a goodie conjurer is easier than playing an evil one. And I was wondering, what is it that makes playing an evil conjurer that much harder than playing a good one? Are some classes simpler easier to play in one alignment than in another or is it something else?

If that's a 'yes' to the second question, then just for the heck of it what are some classes that are easier to play as one alignment as opposed to the other? Obviously this isn't going to include the alignment-required classes of Paladin, Anti-Paladin, Necromancer, and Berkserker. I think I'm missing one, but eh. Thanks.
12919, RE: Evil Conjurers
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly, it comes down to two factors:

1) If you're a good conjurer, an angel that is unhappy with you is unlikely to try to kill you unless pushed very far. If you're an evil conjurer, a demon that is unhappy with you will probably express that unhappiness by killing you and grabbing a few choice items from your corpse before returning to the Abyss.

Essentially, evil servitors are less forgiving of mistakes on your part.

2) An archon-based good conjurer is a high defense low offense character. A devil-based evil conjurer is a high offense low defense character. Neither of these is inherently better than the other, but a novice player will tend to die a lot more playing an evil conjurer.
12920, Correction
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An arhon-based good conjurer is high defense and moderate(not low) offense :)
If they aren't healing you they may unleash some good holy damage spiced with a few dispels and assorted spells.
12918, RE: Evil Conjurers
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Goodie conjurers have healing on a stick, evil ones don't. I'd say the evil ones can cause a lot more damage, but it requires a bit more thought if you want to get out alive. In general I'd say any class that allows it easier to play as neutral, than good. Neutral because you can group with anyone, and good because they tend to be more helpful. Actually gameplay wise though, the only other class I think has any real difference on alignment is healer with turn undead and sanctify room. You're welcome.