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Topic subjectMule Kick Questions
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12748, Mule Kick Questions
Posted by ManDaDa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was just wondering when you're practicing mule kick, and it IS a skill you have to actually bear down and practice unless you're in an area with a lot of mobs, I was wondering which one it checks difficulty for. The mob you're fighting or the mob you're kicking. I don't want to be fighting this weak mob and kicking this strong one, and it's going off the one I'm fighting.
12780, RE: Mule Kick Questions
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe doing a skill while fighting more powerful mobs means you have a increased chance of learning it. It also means you have an increased chance of failing it. Therefore, though you will kill more baby taglos and sows, you may not learn it as fast than if you did it on a tresnore or two.

Also note that failing is generally better for learning, as you have a chance of getting 1-3% on a failed skill, while learning a skill properly executed you have only 1% gains.

Note that mobs big enough to practice well on tend to be on the extremely dangerous side =P

I perfected disarm in two hours from 75% on hooded mobs at level 20 with a much higher level group. Make of that what you will, but I've never seen such crazy fast perfecting before.
12749, As a frequent boar/sow/baby taglo mule kicker...
Posted by Terwin05 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to say I haven't seen any empirical evidence that the level of the creature you're fighting or kicking makes a difference.

I've improved mule kicking babies while fighting boars, and I've improved mule kicking babies while fighting other babies. In fact, I think overall I probably have improved less (and this is over the life of several assassins) when I've been actually in combat with a tougher mob.

Mule kick is just a pain. Whatcha gonna do.

12750, Mule Kick Idea
Posted by ManDaDa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mule kick; save assassinate if you want to learn it, and vanish if you want to rely on it; is the only skill assassin have that they have to PRACTICE really. I had the thought of putting mule kick back to having two round lag and giving it to ALL assassin, and to replace mule kick put "thrust kick" which would be a more powerful kick for that rank and making it so that you have to do it with a spear.

"Cool Assassin plants his spear on the ground and uses it to thrust himself at you.
Cool Assassin's thrust kick MUTILATES you!

Either that or you can just have thrust kick replace mule kick all together and make it both targetable at the foe you're fighting AND a foe you're not fighting, provided that you're wielding a spear. Would give assassin something to do with a spear as well. Same lose balance echo for the lag if you get it. Just an idea. I like it.
12760, RE: Mule Kick Idea
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
.. and to replace mule kick put "thrust kick"
>which would be a more powerful kick for that rank and making
>it so that you have to do it with a spear.
>"Cool Assassin plants his spear on the ground and uses it to
>thrust himself at you.
>Cool Assassin's thrust kick MUTILATES you!

The skill is called leverage, by the way. And staff works just as well as spear. After all, it's the same spec. :P
12791, RE: Mule Kick Idea
Posted by ManDaDa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
blah. Nobody ever uses that move anyway. Geeze...