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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectGoodie Conjurers/Nightgaunts
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=12615
12615, Goodie Conjurers/Nightgaunts
Posted by The Hyperlink on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've seen quite a few goodie conjurers using Nightgaunts lately.. almost all of them are Marans(Or Squires w/e). Is this not totally shatterting RP restrictions just because the "player" knows its such a tight ability? Because I can't see how someone totally bent on destroying evil, is going to send an extremely evil being to go get another one. The comment "You don't know their RP" is totally not applicable here since I've seen 4 goodie conjurers do it in the past month, 2 of them doing it multiple times. I just want to hear everyones take on it and the Imms as well.. theres no way you haven't seen it.. And to end this post, I'm totally not ranting or anything and am fully aware I could be missing something, just seeking opinions.
12619, Whoop
Posted by Gryshilniar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've played many a Maran and no Forties are allowed to use Nightgaunts period. I remember with Grysh a certain squire used a smoke mephit and he was harsly scolded (yeah I'm teh harsh) because those little bastards are evil! And so nightgaunts is even worse.. I can't imagine any conjie getting away with it without being uninducted. So chances are he's not a fortie!
12618, FYI:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have not seen a squire/maran use nightgaunts recently, and I tend to keep a bit of an eye on that.

I suspect you're dealing with characters that you think are squires/maran but aren't.
12617, Most of what you said is incorrect.
Posted by jasmin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gulloth is the only conjurer in the fortress right now to my knowledge, and he was forbidden to use a nightgaunt to even help a person out of a trap room. Some goodie conjurers use them, but there has never been one in the fortress using them for any reason, because they would get booted. Uncaballed goodies take their chances calling them at times, but on Remoldezaire's battlefield, one of the imms said they came close to making him neutral. People do get alignment changes sometimes for doing those things, but yes role does come heavily into play. One instance I can think of, is the "use a diamond to cut a diamond" philosophy. Why beat your goodly servitors to death on foes, when you can have a gaunt beat itself to death on your foes? I don't always endorse this angle, but I have at least once with an uncaballed conjie. As for fort conjies using them, this is incorrect now, and incorrect in recent past. I can't speak to way back, because I didn't enter it til later.
12616, If the imms didn't want them to use it
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would be alignment based. The paladin code would be strictly against it "11. Do not associate with the taint of evil, in any way." but I can't recall if the Maran code has something similar.

Smoke mephits are just as evil as nightgaunts, so merely from that perspective, they should be proscribed as well.