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Topic subjectMinor Peeve with Explore XP (txt)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=12516
12516, Minor Peeve with Explore XP (txt)
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems, and I had an IMM verify this in game, that there are level restrictions on getting explore xp from some areas. Recently, with Kevmorn, I went to Aran Gird, helped fight the various quest mobs and several of the big non quest mobs (kings entourage, demon), and also went to Thar Acacia (didn't fight anything here, but looked around lots). Both of these trips were at rank 36 which is relatively low to be going to these areas.. Didn't get explore (any) or (much) observation xp for either of these trips. The char was designed as an explorer, and my role was based around it, which is a chunk of the reason I went both times.

Seems kind of silly that this was the case, if what I was told in my pray was incorrect, and it wasn't because of my low level, was something else going on?

12549, RE: Minor Peeve with Explore XP (txt)
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't speak to Explore XP in those areas, but a level 36 should have been able to benefit from all of the Observation XP there. The only suggestions I have are make sure you are actually looking at things, and remember that the mobs you probably *least* want to visit are the ones that you get the *most* out of visiting. So to answer your questions, yes, level does enter into it (Heroes hitting the Goblin Village probably won't get jack for it), but nothing else was going on - it's not intended that the average character can get 100K OXP.

And even if you only get a lousy 10 XP out of the whole trip, that's still more than you would have gotten out of it a year or so ago!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
12559, RE: Minor Peeve with Explore XP (txt)
Posted by Amora on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was in the witches cove, northeast of galadon. I explored every room from scratch having never been there, found a million things, lots of hidden things. Didn't get so much as 10 explore exp. Was really wierd as I did a hundred times more things here than any other area.