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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectLosing quests
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=12483
12483, Losing quests
Posted by nebel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know how to ask this without just spelling out the details, but I will try.

I was with a group and we happened across a mob that offered a quest to me. I hadn't seen this quest before, so I said something to the groupmate leading so he would stop. I looked at what the mob said, and then indicated that I would talk to him later (trying to rp coming back for the quest later since I wasn't going to ditch my group).

Apparently this mob takes anything said in front of it other than a "Yes" as a no (and I did not say No, or shake my head, etc.).

Is there a way to get that quest offer back? The quest prompt appeared each time we encountered the mob, until I said something (meant for a groupmate) in front of the mob.

It won't ruin my character, but like everybody I enjoy a new quest. Is there a chance?

12485, RE: Losing quests
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its not just doing that. Some quests you lose if you log out, or worse, the game crashes as well. Also, some things mess up if you walk out of the room too fast, etc.

Really, with quests its like...be thankful you can do any. Its not really a guaranteed thing, or requirement to complete them, but still a few of the buggier things it would be nice if it were cleared up. Especially since certain summonable quest mobs combined with quests not working after crashes/reboots means some quests are just nerfed via the simple summon spell. Or by leading the NPC out of the area.
12489, RE: Fixing quests
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Its not just doing that. Some quests you lose if you log out,
>or worse, the game crashes as well. Also, some things mess up
>if you walk out of the room too fast, etc.
>Really, with quests its like...be thankful you can do any. Its
>not really a guaranteed thing, or requirement to complete
>them, but still a few of the buggier things it would be nice
>if it were cleared up. Especially since certain summonable
>quest mobs combined with quests not working after
>crashes/reboots means some quests are just nerfed via the
>simple summon spell. Or by leading the NPC out of the area.

Seriously, send me a list. And not things you remember being
like this. It's got to be things that are still like this now.
You take an honest swing at checking them out, starting now, and I
will try to get some visibility on fixing those issues.


I do not care who your character is:

12490, Next lowbie I roll.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lot of ones I recall there being issues with you can only do as a lowbie/midbie. I'll double check them, mess with them, try to get them to not work, try to get the mobs involved to follow me away, and shoot you an email with my findings.
12491, Cool.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Lot of ones I recall there being issues with you can only do
>as a lowbie/midbie. I'll double check them, mess with them,
>try to get them to not work, try to get the mobs involved to
>follow me away, and shoot you an email with my findings.

I'm actually getting some feedback from other players, so I
might beat you to the punch on a few.