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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectCharge set
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=12227
12227, Charge set
Posted by elmeri_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fought a pole spec recently, and the fight was going back and forth, with a healer in the area, so we managed to heal ourselves. At some point in the fight, I started to get an edge over said pole spec, and he used the tactic of just fleeing right away, and after a few charge sets, I was running again. I have to admit, I haven't experimented very much with this, but I can see now way of getting past it. So, my question is, is it designed so that a pole spec can win any warrior vs. warrior fight by just spamming flee and waiting for charge set to trigger? I think this is not very much fun for the one hitting the charge set, especially with cutoff making it very risky to get too hurt. I think a few warrior skills might get past charge set, but the ones I can think off, all have a timer. So if your hurl (possible dirt kick) isn't going to do 1300 hps of damage, you are out of luck some time.

My few suggested solutions:

1) Make charge set fail a lot more. If it had at least a 50% chance of failure when mastered, I might wish to risk it.

2) Give it a timer, say 0 or 1 ticks, if you flee after your charge set, the enemy can hunt you down and bash your ass to oblivion.

3) Make attacking charge set not lag. If I bash into your charge set, you'll get bashed right after. This is how it worked some time ago, but it was changed (why?). This would make eating the charge actually a viable combat option.

As it is right now, I don't really see myself fighting any pole spec one on one unless I'm sure I can outdamage their charge with my parting blow, or if I know they are a player prone to make a stupid mistake by staying in combat.
12234, Well.........
Posted by Caleban on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually he could have just as easily fled and charged. Over and over.
Charge has some nasty damage for initiating combat. So in truth he had you double over a barrel: flee and you re-init he gets to charge set.... flee and he charges.. you get basically the same hit.

Polearms are heavy, get some poisoning weapons and do some of the maledicting techniques you have learned. If you are sword spec and complaining about the power of polearms.. well ... get bent. :P

All the rest of the specs have ways of maledicting an enemy, even whips and flails. You never did say what your specialization was by the way. Poison + maledict can often lead to weapon drop. A polearm spec without a weapon is dead meat. You just have to be willing to take that first smack and stay the course. Heck there is a dagger spec who stood in against a weapon he was partially vulnerable to in the hands of a polearm spec and won.

Good luck to you! Hope you figure something out.
12235, Can't charge once they are covered in wounds
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You get the echo "they are too wounded for that".
12237, A few things that you are missing
Posted by elmeri_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, they can't charge over and over. Second, this would be way different. When I hit his charge set, he is lagged for two rounds, and I can work my magic. If I instead am hit by his charge set, I am lagged like normally on the command, and he is free to flee right away. Then, I need to eat another charge set, after which he flees. Rince and repeat. The thing is, there is no way to land a skill on him, since he can just flee away right after initiating combat. And as I said, sure it's possible to take down the polespec, if he makes some crucial mistakes. However, the fast that he can just spam flee, and prevent the opponent from performing any combat manuevers. I personally think the best option would be to make an attack on charge set not lag the attacker. Charge set would still be pretty lethal with the high damage it does, but there would be a chance to press the attack, mayby do some of those maledicting moves.
12238, Some corrections and advice
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One, when you get chargesetted, you have NO lag, your command NEVER went though, so, if you are about to get chargesetted
Spam bash twice...
Two, Spells Inherients Faerie fire wingsweep specificly. Scrolls Staves songs all these bypass Chargset
But, I'll say what Nep said, Pole is defensive, he can't kill you less you let him or he's got friends, but your not SUPPOSE to kill him easy thats the POINT of polearm
Have fun!
12232, RE: Charge set
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
#3- It was changed? Haven't fought a polearm spec in awhile, but that was always a good way to keep them still, just double bash. Or just keep trying and hope they don't charge set all your attacks =P

And unless it was changed, dirt gets charge set as well. Which I never really understood, but okay.
12230, RE: Charge set
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a defensive spec.

It's hard for you to kill them that way, but it's also hard for them to kill you fighting that way unless you keep walking into it for some reason.
12229, RE: Charge set
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>2) Give it a timer, say 0 or 1 ticks, if you flee after your
>charge set, the enemy can hunt you down and bash your ass to

I thought this was already the case. i.e. One charge set per hour. You sure the tick didn't occur between when he fled and when you initiated again?
12231, only for mobs. nt
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
12236, Only on mobs
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No chargeset timer on PCs