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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectLet's talk about summon.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=11839
11839, Let's talk about summon.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember getting into an argument with DC about shamans. I said they're great for killing mages, he said they're not. We came to terms, but he made a very good point that I didn't know. You've changed summon.

Now I ran up a little arial a-p some time ago. I thought that summon and maledictions would be Teh Bomb. So I'd pass door or fly into all these cool summon places, because I remember always dying in Galadon or Emerald forest to summon squads. Not any more. I thought I was just getting unlucky failing every summon out of every summon. The weald, Dol Guldar, Hamsah, Balator. It seemed like every tactical summon location was now un-summon-able. And I didn't even know it. Nothing in the notices, help files, gechos.

That's fine, if you guys think there is a logical game balance with that, ok. I think it sucks for the paladin and shaman class myself. But here's all I'm asking for. If I successfully summon into an un-summon-able room, please let me know it. It'd still fail, but at least I wouldn't waste 600 mana trying.

So we'd have three scenarios.

c summon amaranthe
You failed.

c summon graatch
Graatch suddenly arrives.

c summon dioxide
You failed.
You feel unable to summon here.

In any event, I'd rather summon work like the old days because it'd positively impact my pk'ing prowess. If I didn't have summon, I'd care less. You try to get by with shield bash.
11852, RE: Let's talk about summon.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To be fair, I was referring to solo shamans versus mages *landing kills*. In which case, yeah, you're basically talking about summoning traps as the biggest viable way of accomplishing this. As far as ones that have changed, I haven't tried all of them (only way to make sure is by summoning low level mobs like 15 times, since PCs you can routinely fail 5-6 times for any reason). Ones that come to mind that they've changed is Hamsah towers, Azreth (at least, I failed summoning a kobold 15 times there), and Holy Grove seems to sometimes work, most of the time fail (I think certain rooms are no-summon where the enemy is standing, for some reason I have a lot of trouble summoning them on the trail but I can get kobolds and such in there).

Its kinda hard to tell, because on shamans/paladins summon has an abyssmally depressing failure rate.

I tend to agree though, that there should be an echo, because its somewhat annoying to fail 10 times and not know why (deny summoning, in combat, room prevents it, etc).
11840, RE: Let's talk about summon.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As far as I know we haven't changed any of those places. :P
11854, Way to be obscure ;P NT
Posted by Kolun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
11855, Oh. D'oh.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I still like my idea of having an echo pop up after a successful summon in a nosummon room. Thanks for the reply.