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Topic subjectshifters/retriving
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1179, shifters/retriving
Posted by Larshalv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having played a few shifters, with different focis, I found something that is quite annoying. One cannot retrive alone... Even if there is none at the opposing cabal to defend.
Even while having the third tier form in both the minor and major foci, I still had a problem with this... leaving me at as a rank 40ish shifter and still not able to reclaim ones item.
Barely as an offence shifter I managed it after like 6 attempts...
Then my view of game balance is somewhat twisted, as almost any class, can manage to retrive at the rank of 30... or less in some cases.
Even healers will manage this...
And as a shifter, atleast I expect I should be somewhat of a fighter... Just a bit annoyed at this....
I dont mind that the defence forms I have had gets tooled by any warrior, or even that the offence forms I've had could not hold their own against a fair warrior... Even with preps... But something should be done.... Its fairly easy to see when a class that is supposed to be the mage "warrior" is not able to take down a warrior even while prepped to the teath...
Just my 50 cents....
1204, RE: shifters/retriving
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe... Try raid as a healer... ;) Even at hero that takes quite long... ;)

1189, RE: shifters/retriving
Posted by Rade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a perfect opportunity for you to roleplay with someone, anyone really outside your cabal. Make a friend, convince them to help you retrieve. I never play cabals, I don't particularly care for the system. I have, however, participated in tons of raids/retrievals.
1183, Please note:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Offense does not equate to 'fighting'. In many cases, an offense form will deal damage, but can't take it. This is not particularly helpful when fighting a mob with as many hit points as a cabal guardian.

If you play a variety of warriors, you'll probably discover that a number of them (especially pre-second-spec) aren't set up to retrieve solo much better than you are, and they need at least a starter set of gear to do it.
1184, RE: Please note:
Posted by Larshalv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To be honest I have not noted one warrior that has had trubble retriving solo as of yet. If they have chosen whip, Id say ok... then I might see them having a problem retriving... otherwise I cant see it...
Equpiment wise its very easy to gather basic gear...
Also regarding this, as a mage you would need gear as well. One does not have a great bundle of hp.... And I feel that giving up the effekts of items would be sufficient to nullify the gathering of gear aspect.
And I know that choosing offence does not mean you dodge alot. Having played mmm enough to learn it the hard way.. But being at a rank of 40-46 and not being able to retrive is pretty annyoing, and you are getting tooled by any one out there.. That is just not fair.

Thank you for your reply though... it still just dont make much sence to me... As I have played most classes, with the exception of a druid, conjurer and necromancer...

PS!you are still my favorite imm... since Nokisan...
Thanks for a great game...
1181, RE: shifters/retriving
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uh. Yeah. Shifter's aren't the only class that can't solo-retrieve at rank 30. Thieves, transmuters, necromancers, invokers and conjurers will also have trouble.

If you're a shifter, you're stunted until you get a fourth form. I wouldn't recommend trying to explore, PK, or solo retrieve until then. Spend your time ranking instead.
1182, RE: shifters/retriving
Posted by Larshalv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Played an arcane, managed to retrive at rank 32... conjurer not a great problem, thief does enough dammage with a merc, and circle.. Necromancer has a small pet... Invoker will manage this at 38th rank with no problem what so ever. But the problem is more that when you are of the 40th-46th rank and cannot retrive for you cabal, its pretty annoying, atleast when you have a warrior raiding at the same rank....
Shifters are getting the short end of the stick here... for alot of ranks...
And is not pk'ing not a big part of this game?... I dont usually play any class to do just that, but I like to be able to atleast make someone that I have 10 ranks on, flee atleast....
1185, RE: shifters/retriving
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Any class can solo retrieve given enough time. I'm guessing your transmuter took a good long while to whittle down an outer guardian.

I'm not sure how you figure it's "not a great problem" for a rank 30 conjurer sans archon.

A thief would have to go through a ton of mercs to kill an outer guardian, since I'm guessing they would last long enough for about 2 circlestabs. If the thief is of the right path to get shield block, uses preps, and has lots of healing gear, it might be possible.

Necromancer has a pet but it dies about as quickly as a thief's merc.

Here's what you do with an offense shifter:

0. Gather large amounts of gold.
1. Gather multiple uses of protection, aura and shield.
2. Put up protection, aura, shield, stoneskin, haste if not already.
3. Attack guardian and stay as long as you can.
4. Run to healer and "heal heal" about four times.
5. Go back to (2) until guardian is dead.

Alternately, get rid of (0) and replace (4) with "Run someplace safe, slow yourself, sleep 3 ticks."

As for PKing...yeah, sucks for shifters, but likewise for certain other classes until they get the right skills/spells/song.

btw, at 46th rank you should have a 4th form.
1186, RE: shifters/retriving
Posted by Larshalv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thought ye where one of the ot's...
short view.. ither use elemental or angel.. evils have a harder time with a conjurer since an angel would not like him.
Have attempted that deal you show.. its pretty hard. with heals at its price, and copper so scarce even if you manage to sell half your inventory.
I have played for so long now, that I just find it little in balance with the game that it should be so...
Its no rant, its just a desire for making things a bit more fair..