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Topic subjecthelp me avoid number crunching
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11762, help me avoid number crunching
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a certain piece of progged gear that has an wear echo and visibly boosts one's ability to dodge, assuming that skill isn't already maxed. By "visibly" I mean "you can see it using the skills command". I believe its twin boosts enhanced damage.

My question is whether these two items have any gameplay effect when the wearer's relevant skill (dodge or enhanced damage) is at 100%. I ask this in an effort to avoid number crunching. In lieu of an answer I have two alternatives:

1. Continue believing, possibly in error, that the items have some effect, possibly choosing them over superior gear based on this mistaken belief.

2. Go to the effort to empircally test whether they make a difference, by logging some long fights and parsing out how many times I dodged with and without the gear being worn.

The latter is something I really hope nobody wants to encourage. Yet, I find the former lacking as well. I don't want to know "how much" of a difference they make, just whether they make any difference whatsoever.
11790, My guess is as good as yours.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My guess is that the item doesn't have a dodge-improving affect any more, since dodge is already at maximum and there are no % of it to improve. If it would get to 110% or so, surely it would show when you type practice? So, unless the item doesn't have some additional affect like haste, it shouldn't help more in dodging due to that additional % when dodge is perfected. It could help when you are affected by dodge-lowering skill such as berserk, though.
11793, RE: My guess is as good as yours.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was thinking it might have some benefit other than what shows up in "skills". Next time one of them is in my possession I'll run some tests and let you know what I find.
11778, Stop believing. It will bring you closer to the truth... ;) nt
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
11772, RE: help me avoid number crunching
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't foresee us number-crunching the obscure properties of unusual items for you, in order to prevent you from number-crunching.

It's similar to "tell me where item X is, or else I'll run all over the game looking for it".

11781, RE: help me avoid number crunching
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fair enough. Couple thoughts:

1. Given your position, you wouldn't need to number crunch to determine the properties of an item.

2. It's not similar to asking where an item is, since if I want to find an item there are obvious non-crunchy ways to go about it. There is no non-crunchy way to determine whether the prog in this item has "no effect" or "some effect".

I liken it to weapon averages. You could remove them from the game entirely, along with removing that functionality from the compare command, forcing players to conduct their own number-crunchy experiments in order to determine which of two weapons has the higher average. You don't do that, though, because it would be stupid. Since there's no in-game non-crunchy way of determining whether this prog ceases to provide any benefit given a certain (very common) condition (i.e. maxed dodge), I thought I'd ask here.
11768, Some help, not much....
Posted by TheLastMohican on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know for a fact the 'sister' of the item you are talking about increases bash. After 100%, don't know. I also noticed an increase in damage and an increase in amount of times I hit my foes (rather than them parrying the strikes) when I wore the 'sister' item.

Hope that helps a bit.

And I've had the 'item' before too, and noticed even after 100%, I dodged a lot more (and with a Fire Axe spec to boot!).
11771, RE: Some help, not much....
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See, I'm not sure I've ever noticed a difference. And that's not surprising, considering the bump is probably in the single-digit percentages. So there's this item with a prog, and I have no way of determining if the prog actually "does" anything short of number crunching. Guess that's what I'll do.
11773, I would assume....
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It doesn't take you to 110%.

It has other benifits that make it a good item in it's own right as well.

BTW you wronged me on Dio's and I would like you to email me.

11780, RE: I would assume....
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone else banned you in June. But I'll send an email anyway.