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11697, Crapload of suggestions, mostly affecting outlanders/tribunals. (txt)
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, now that dragons no longer blow things up, howsabout this as a change. Make mobs like dragons, and other monsters who have big treasure hordes carry more gems. We'll take the Dracolich as an example, he carries a good amount of coin, but no gems. Some simple script could randomize the ratio of gems to coins that such monsters held. This would be a boon to outlanders especially, and would not overly adversely affect non outlander chars. Plus I think it would make sense.
Ok, Tribunals. Evil tribunals hanging out in the Paladin guild, when no wanted char is in the guild. I don't know if fixing this could be automated, but I assume it is not intended. I cannot see the Pally guildmaster happy about an evil trib hanging out in there slurping soup. I don't think I need to explain why this is frustrating, beyond just not making much sense.
Imperial leader powers vs. outlander. Imperial sect leaders get tactics, piercing gaze, sigil of pain, healing curse. The emperor gets all of these. These all can be used both in defense of the palace, and offensively whilst raiding the Tree. Outlander leaders get nothing comprable. I should also note here that Chamo and Beastcall, the two best outlander powers can not be used offensively against empire when raiding. Sequester, etc vs. outlander leaders. Sequester is a limited power. It is exceptionally powerful however. I don't think I need to comment on the power of Vindi shackles. Provost guards are also quite useful when raiding solo. This power is mitigated by the fact that these abilities (except Provost guards) can only be used against Wanted characters. Any time an outlander raids the spire, they become wanted (assuming a trib is logged on), thus bringing these powers to bear upon them. By such logic, why not give outlander leaders powers of a similar level, powers on a level with Bloody Shackles, Sequester, Piercing Gaze, Sigil of Pain, Healing Curse, Imperial Tactics, useful only in defense of the tree. I'm not neccessarily advocating WOT or Insects, but SOMETHING on a level with what outlanders have to face when attacking their prime enemies. I think base level outlander powers are fine in terms of normal imperial or trib powers (though sequester bugs me), but why does the leadership of the other cabals get Smooth Buttery Purple Crack to smoke, while outlander leaders don't?
11727, Leader Rewards
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why does the leadership of the other cabals get Smooth Buttery Purple Crack to smoke, while outlander leaders don't?
Not all the other cabal leaders do, but in reference to Empire and Tribunal leaders specifically - these are two cabals in which hierarchy plays a significant role. Their leaders may get nifty powers, but also remember on the other end of the spectrum, you are inducted into the cabal significantly weaker than your higher-ups, powerwise. As an Outlander, on the other hand, the moment you are inducted you do not need promotions or immortal intervention to get access to the entire aresenal of cabal powers.
That said, I personally have been trying to be a little more liberal with giving perks to leaders and even others who deserve it. In the past I admit I have erred on the side of being overly conservative when it comes to that. However, I also prefer the method of perks being given a little at a time. I think the constant potential for further achievement is part of what makes a character fun, rather than an automated boost. Automated boosts are perfectly sensible for order/hierarchy based cabals, but with something like Outlander, things being unpredictable and mysterious is fun. :) If you want a predictable schedule of rewards, there are cabal options for that. It wouldn't be as much fun if all the cabals were run the same way.
11731, RE: Leader Rewards
Posted by Larcat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, that makes good sense to me. The only characters I've dealt with that got rewards on a level with what trib/empire do are Aesrira and Tjok, and they both I'm sure were quite happy with the perks they got. Glad to hear that you are loostening up with those :)
11702, Shamanman approves this message. nt
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
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