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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectDear Nepenthe
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=11499
11499, Dear Nepenthe
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I mentioned this before but could you please change retreat. Instead of 1 lag flee 1 lag, could you please make it 2 lag flee. This will give other warriors a good chance at getting away from people who use dash alias's, because we can plan the next direction after the flee.

Thank you.
11574, BEER?
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because if that's what it takes to get this change made, I'll gladly send it to somebody. First coder who changes it!!

Pretty please.

11506, I want to argue the other side...
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I know I mentioned this before but could you please change
>retreat. Instead of 1 lag flee 1 lag, could you please make
>it 2 lag flee. This will give other warriors a good chance at
>getting away from people who use dash alias's, because we can
>plan the next direction after the flee.

Alright. I think the amount of people actually using dash alias's aren't enough to justify changing the retreat skill. The only one I know I've run across was the Easy drow from Outlander, and even then I believe I didn't have much a problem getting away. I think I only died to her when I stuck around longer than I should have, which I ending up doing more than I should have. Other than that I haven't seen it being a problem.

Point #2. I've always used the reteat skill as more an escape from NPC's rather than PC's, and whenever I do decide I need to get out of town, I'd like to be able to do that as quick as possible considering there is both lag and the chance to fail associated with it. This, of course, doesn't help that everytime I decide to retreat it's always a round or two too late, so again, I need it to work, and work quick.

These are just my opinions. I honesty don't have much of an objection either way whether the skill is changed or stays the same. I simply wanted to argue the other side of the story.
11510, Well thanks for the arguement...counter point...
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Alright. I think the amount of people actually using dash alias's aren't enough to justify changing the retreat skill. The only one I know I've run across was the Easy drow from Outlander, and even then I believe I didn't have much a problem getting away. I think I only died to her when I stuck around longer than I should have, which I ending up doing more than I should have. Other than that I haven't seen it being a problem

I'll agree that there aren't many using the dash alias's, however, there is virtually no point at all using a retreat command when fighting a PC because of the 1 round of lag after it. In it's current state even somebody not using dash can simple walk over and start attacking again because 1 round lag is plenty of time for somebody to do this.

>Point #2. I've always used the reteat skill as more an escape from NPC's rather than PC's, and whenever I do decide I need to get out of town, I'd like to be able to do that as quick as possible considering there is both lag and the chance to fail associated with it. This, of course, doesn't help that everytime I decide to retreat it's always a round or two too late, so again, I need it to work, and work quick.

NPC's aren't much of a problem so I'll give you this. However, you would think that as a skill Retreat should be far superior then a flee command which everybody can use.

My counterpoints. :)
11525, Well you make a good case sir...
Posted by Saith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'll agree that there aren't many using the dash alias's,
>however, there is virtually no point at all using a retreat
>command when fighting a PC because of the 1 round of lag after
>it. In it's current state even somebody not using dash can
>simple walk over and start attacking again because 1 round lag
>is plenty of time for somebody to do this.

True, true. Alright, I can agree with that. As you pointed out below...

>NPC's aren't much of a problem so I'll give you this.
>However, you would think that as a skill Retreat should be far
>superior then a flee command which everybody can use.

I totally agree with you there. Retreat does have a bigger advantage over flee in and of itself. (no worring about fleeing into death traps!) But for a little added function-ability during PK, perhaps it could be adjusted to work differently for NPCs vs PCs, since a number of skills already work like this.

>My counterpoints. :)

I'm convinced!