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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectOkay folks "What is your idea for something new/to-be-changed for CF?"
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=11421
11421, Okay folks "What is your idea for something new/to-be-changed for CF?"
Posted by Caleban on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seeing that a lot of opinions are out there on other people's ideas and of course the recent Imm changes why not take a chance and throw out your idea?

Please only respond to this post and leave the posted ideas alone. You do not like an idea then post an idea of your own that would be better than the one given in response to THIS POST please.

Think of this as a reverse Xmas CF fun giving the Imms ideas in return.Danke.
11495, Multiclassing! Yar! -nt-
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
11494, Specialization Ideas.
Posted by Caleban on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why not have a subset of secondary specializations? A warrior sacrifices a full second specialization to be very adept a certain combinations of weapons and shields:

sword and shield..vikings.
sword and dagger.. original Italian and Spanish style flourintine
axe and shield..vikings
axe and dagger..savage style
mace and shield
mace and exotic..gladiator style of combat
sword and whip/flail..gladiator style of combat
etc etc

Certain weapon specializations learned from the original weapon are carried over or modified to represent the additional knowledge of the new weapon. Only one or two new skills would be added with the specialization.
11496, nah
Posted by appelsien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The warriors on CF went a long way, right now they are starting to
balance, and warriors are right now the majority on CF. Let them
the way they are. Many more classes on cf are up for an overhaul.
Especially ranger and shaman.

You must be new somewhat to the carrionfields. Play for a year or
two. Play many race/class combo's to their prime (late-mid 30s), and get
a nice taste of the carrionfields gameplay in general, you will surely
find better ideas to suggest to the CF scene.

I'm sure everyone accepts and appreciates new idea and influx on the
CF world, but play more, get involved, and give the realm some effort.
Blend in. You will see a major shift in your perspective and ideas.
11497, Too true.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's already something like one million different permutations of warrior on CF. If I was listing classes that I thought needed attention, warrior wouldn't even make my top ten list.
11498, To be exact....
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1,128,960 based on race, weapon specs, and legacies alone. 9,031,680 if you want to include cabal options, and 81,285,120 if you want to just throw in the align/ethos options too.

Sorry, math degree coming out there.
11500, Geek. n/t
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
11501, Wrong
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1,128,960 based on race, weapon specs, and legacies alone.

Correct. With 16 different warrior races, 8 specs and 36 legacies.

>9,031,680 if you want to include cabal options

With eight cabals to join, I get this number too. You fail to acknowledge none as an option and forget that most cabals are racistic, so this doesn't add up. Therefore your number is wrong.

>and 81,285,120 if you want to just throw in the align/ethos options too.

Let's hope that the Sunwarden will induct your orderly duergar axe spec! :D

But we can both agree that Nepenthe wasn't exaggerating when he said a million warrior combinations, though.
11502, I believe 1,128,960 is an understatement
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can play a warrior with 0, 1, or 2 specs, and 0, 1, or 2 legacies. I don't want to do the math, but this is basically the same arguement as "none" being a viable cabal choice (you could argue that 0 weapon specs isn't viable, but I've played warriors to hero with only one weapon spec), and nobody in their right mind wouldn't pick a legacy since doing so involves no extra effort, but that doesn't mean it isn't a possibility.

Also, I'm not a math major, but I think that number you came up with discounts what order you pick your specs in. I would argue that a spear/hand spec plays a lot differently than a hand/spear spec.
11503, RE: I believe 1,128,960 is an understatement
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The original number(=16*35*36*7*8) discounts combos like sword/sword specs and soul/soul-type of legacy choises. It doesn't discount anything else.

>You can play a warrior with 0, 1, or 2 specs, and 0, 1, or 2
>legacies. I don't want to do the math, but this is basically
>the same arguement as "none" being a viable cabal choice (you
>could argue that 0 weapon specs isn't viable, but I've played
>warriors to hero with only one weapon spec), and nobody in
>their right mind wouldn't pick a legacy since doing so
>involves no extra effort, but that doesn't mean it isn't a

There are 5,328 single legacy single spec(none specs/legacies is included in this number) combinations and 181,440 one spec two legacies combinations(legacies taken in different order count as different combo here, just like in the original number. Divide this number by two if you don't count them as different combos). Add those to the the original number if you wish to count those in.

>Also, I'm not a math major, but I think that number you came
>up with discounts what order you pick your specs in. I would
>argue that a spear/hand spec plays a lot differently than a
>hand/spear spec.

This is taken into account in the original number. It also counts legacy combinations as different combos if taken in different order. Divide the original number by two if you don't want to consider different legacy order as different combo. Divide the original number by four if you don't want to take spear/hand and hand/spear and soul/chilling and chilling/soul as four different combos.
11486, I-dee-arrs.
Posted by Caleban on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Special skills that allow for some crafty things that instructors can be found to teach characters and possible associated quests to get materials. Items can be sold of course to earn money and some example skills:
-create bandage.. heals 20 hp per use
-create sleeping bag..increases recovery rate for HP
-create meditation mat..increases recovery rate for MA
-create foot salve..heals 20mv per use
-skin animal..creates a pelt
-sew skins..creates wrist, hand, neck, waist, and foot wear

2) Community investment which allows you to build up your ability to partake in local economies and possibly make you disliked in other centers. Reputation like which I remember from a mud concept called Nepenthe.. never got off the ground.

3) Guild shops that offer specialized treatises on skills of the class in question and of course let you do guild investment. Treatises are expensive but give insight into specific skill increasing it by 2%. The more guild investment that occurs broader range of treatises available at the guild. Some treatise are only available at specific guilds. Treatise would be very/fairly expensive.

4) Lore master who wanders through Thera's major centers giving quests depending on the level of the character who asks for it. Quests help with learning Thera and finding half decent gear. Great for new and veteran players for fun. Quest given can be for entire group to complete

5) Cabal items should be useful to non-caballed characters so they have a reason to become immersed in cabal interactions. Some of the above quests could have cabal items to be sought. Maybe make the items so they have special powers if held or wielded?
11428, A forum dedicated to IdeeaRrrs.
Posted by Caleban on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And leave it to Nepenthe to break the rules for replying :D

A forum where players can post their IDEAS for changes or new things would be welcomed. It would let us players not only wonk about things but contribute as well.
11430, Sorry to break your rule about responding.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But, I felt I should point out this as someone whose programmed games before.

Ideas for games or features in games are fairly easy to come up with.

Finding the time to do them and finding the time to do "data entry type of jobs" like area building and item refining is really the time consuming part needing the most contribution. Unfortunately, we can't really help in that area.

Additionally, most players (myself included) aren't intimately aware of balance. To be honest, the Imms mess it up too sometimes, which is why things need to be pretty much continually tweaked and maintained. In that light, small suggestions are more successful than large suggestions like new classes, class revamps, cabal revamps, etc. Likewise, pointout out huge disbalances and bugs can be also be effective and helpful.

And similiarly, contibuting via say, providing a good roleplay environment and eventually becoming an imm, or donating money or posting typos may be more overall effective than anything.

Having a board spammed with long winded ideas that probably won't be implemented I think might just be a lot of wasted time reading and etc. I don't mean to discourage you, just pointing out some of the reality of software development.

11425, Inherents for the rest of the races would be nice
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
cloud giants, duergar, not sure what other races don't have inherent abilities. I realize those two have flight and detect hidden, but arials also had flight, and they got some inherents. Wouldn't need to be anything major, just something to add a bit of flair.
11426, RE: Inherents for the rest of the races would be nice
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd actually love to give humans an inherent at/around hero, since their main other advantage (favorable PK range, level-wise) is dramatically less useful at hero. I've yet to see an idea for one that I like enough, though.
11433, Human Inherents
Posted by Terwin05 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't have any explicit ideas for this, but I thought I'd kick around a few things.

A human inherent would most likely focus their main racial attribute - versatility and adaptability. In pen and paper DnD, this is reflected in the ability to cross classes without penalty. While some type of true cross-class ability would be antithetical to the CF system (and very difficult to balance), I could see humans with a high-level automatic inherent that subtly influenced various factors depending on their longitudinal experiences.

Maybe for humans, this could manifest as a type of "favored enemy" skill, which is actually a ranger skill in 3e Dnd. In the CF environment, this could be much more nebulous however.

If, over the course of their lives, warlike humans find themselves in combat with a specific creature class over and over, their adaptability lends them a bonus (+hit, +morale?) when fighting and/or defeating these creatures.

Perhaps those of a more magical bent would be able to learn the nuances of a certain creature class, giving those types of enemies a reduced chance to save against their spells.

Those humans whose experience is primarily in exploration or commerce may find their skills in those areas even more effective as the near the hero range.

Humans who have spent extensive time in the wilds may find they are able to more readily enter civilized areas without jeopardizing their fast-camo or wilderness familiarity skills quite so much.

Anyway, these are just some general thoughts. I think for a human inherent ability to be properly addressed, it would require extensive data (which you may or may not have) to analyze and determine the most appropriate niche for the resulting effect.

I'd be interested if anyone else has had any thoughts in this area.

11442, 'Blend'
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'd actually love to give humans an inherent at/around hero,
>since their main other advantage (favorable PK range,
>level-wise) is dramatically less useful at hero. I've yet to
>see an idea for one that I like enough, though.

Almost a variant of hide, but somewhat more racist. Large cities in Thera are typically human (unless some specific racial hometown like arial city) so a human hero in town has the chance to be overlooked in the mass of humans walking around in a city.

This basically means a chance not to show up on scan or look when you enter a room. (picture your average chase scene in a movie where the guy hides amongst a crowd of similar people)
11444, Too powerful
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not showing up on "where," maybe, but not showing up on "scan" or "look" would be too powerful. Besides, it doesn't make sense. "Look" and "scan" cover a very small portion of the surrounding area and adventurers are probably typically much bigger than your average folk. It'd be like not finding Arnold Schwarzeneggar in a room of 50 people. "Where," on the other hand would be like not finding him in a room of maybe 500 people. Slightly more difficult a task, that.
11445, Agreed.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But having a 65% chance of not showing up on where would be smooth. Sure, you could hit four wheres in a row to try and get him, but you're losing time in the chase, especially when the human is on the move. Also great for ambushes, because who hits that many where or where pks when they come in to Voralian or Balator? I tend to go with two on average.

I like this idea. And I'm in an idea mood. Christmas time!
11446, Another Idea
Posted by wretchedmongrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Human Relations: Improved haggling with human shopkeepers & all human mobs are willing to sell their armor to a human hero for double their value?
11505, Human Inherent suggestion. HomeLand.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Based upon Character's initial Homeland they get a sort of favored status when there. I say Original Homeland since People can change through cabal and the registrars office.

1) Cheaper costs at Merchants, guilds, trainers.

2) Moral Boost for that 'Great to Be Home' feeling that wears off when you get that 'Wish I was anywhere but here' feeling.

3) Mom's Homecooking. (Free Dinner and some Apple pie if you've been gone a year or more.)

Okay so #3 isn't really all that serious, but pie is pie after all.

The idea behind this is that We humans aren't really all that tolerant of cultures that are different from our own, and we prefer to dealwith things closer to home. Similar accents and behavioral patterns reassure us.

For the returning Paladin it's all about idolizing our Hometown Hero.

For the returning Necromancer it's all about idolizing the Hometown Hero (If you know what's good for you.)

I'm sure people can nit pick the hell out of those comparisons if they want to be twits but I think the general idea is made clear.
11507, I think you can say that about all races.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially elves. Humans are the one that are able to adapt better and aren't necessarily corner-patriotic bigots. Getting such adoration is more like a result of having high charisma, not just being of some race.
11509, No you can't.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The topic is Humans.

Let the other races do what they want.
11523, My point was
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That I don't see this as specific human trait. The idea had some good thoughts in it in the general level though. I see versatility and ability to adapt as human traits. I don't see how your idea brings up the human traits, besides having high charisma.
11539, I do.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People adoring returning heros what ever.

Dwwarves are to taciturn to do something like that. Hard works expected of them.

Elves to Pragmatic and aloof.

Orcs... what ever.

Felar... Same.

Arials.. To serious or too flighty.

Dark-Elves. Pulees.

Giants.... Not enough of them.

Duergar... Pwoer more than Renown.

Minotaurs, not enough, Glory, not renown.

Too many players play humans in funny suits. I see my suggestion as uniquly human.