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11325, Colorized log board
Posted by Exit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's been discussed. It's not high priority. I think it's relatively easy to accomplish, a project of under 10 man-hours. Any thoughts, Qaledus/Yanoreth and others?
11342, RE: Colorized log board
Posted by Haggler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"The Battlefield Public forum Where old and new players alike can come to mourn the loss of friends and celebrate the demise of enemies (much like the Graveyard of old). The Battlefield is here to allow the fallen to share their inner-most secrets, including roles, descriptions, and logs of memorable battles, and to allow the living to pay their final respects. Moderators: Tanadin, shokai, Valguarnera"
See above, "and logs of memorable battles". Now, I think that there should be a sub-forum for logs just like there is a sub-forum for roles, descriptions, etc. (PBF). But the opportunity is already there. It just isn't shouting out to you to post, apparently.
PS, While I vote for a Protected Forum sub-forum for logs, this is probably why it's not there. Think of the time it would take to police a forum of logs where people get aroused and say offensive (and or stupid) things.
Just my two cents as a player.
11343, He's referring to something that makes it colorized.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dio's has a log formatter, this site does not. You can still use Dio's, and just replace the < with [, but you also have to change the prompts first since they usually have < as well to something else, like pipes, then format, then do replaces. Its actually not a difficult thing to write. Regex's for "you tell", damage nouns, yells and CB chatter.
11341, I agree.
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think that would be really great. Never understood why CF official never had a log board. Its like blizzard not having a single screen shot of its games on their site or d/l area.
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