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Topic subjectTrinbunal Power
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=10888
10888, Trinbunal Power
Posted by bluehawk141 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just an idea here beacuse I have been seeing more then a few posts about tripping out tribunals here..so here it is, if a criminal stays in combat with a tribuanla, along with manacle give them the power to "coffle". Coffles were the shackles put around the neck of prisoners. This could perhaps prevent the prisoner from fleeing and could further damage the players dex and moral. There would need to be a lag in between the manacle call and the coffle call...how long I am not sure, but open to what others have to say.
10906, A different suggestion
Posted by WildGirl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tribunals are powerful inside the city.

Outlanders are powerful outside the city.

There are some skills that Tribunal don't often even use that could make them more powerful (like 'deputize').

The powers for either side dissapate once they leave their given area. The exception to this would be ignite and subvert, but this is counterbalanced by the fact the Vindicator and Provost get to keep their guards outside the city. Being wanted makes it hard to raid, so long as there are other Tribunals about. Tribs have a tough enemy with the Spirit. Numbers aside, its fairly even.

While I don't like to advocate more powers for the already powerful Tribunal, I would not object to a weaker version of the manacle skill outside the city, so long as its only effective against criminals.

Inside the city, its insane. I recently had a character that got one-rounded by a tribunal who only got in one hit on me. The guards finished me REALLY quickly. Think who you want is more powerful, but I've played both sides of the coin (albeit one more than the other) and I believe that, in their element, Tribunals have more raw power while Outlanders have more utility power (i.e. call guards, wanted, manacles vs. call beast, windwalk, chameleon)
10890, Right after all outlanders get insects and wall of thorns...
Posted by Laearrist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously? What makes you think tribunals need more power? Just because it's a cabal full of noobs and semi-noobs doesn't mean they should get powers to help them seal kills they already have no business getting.
10902, RE: Right after all outlanders get insects and wall of ...
Posted by Murcadin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would agree with this, if as soon as you walk into a city, any civilized area at all, you lose ALL powers. Just like when Tribs step out of their city. Or how about low ranking outlanders only get their powers in certain forests, not all of them.

I can not see how people can compare PK "powers" that the tribs have to anything. The only place (except the vindicator and provost) these "powers" can be used for pk is in the cities that they can not pk in! Unless someone just happens to be a criminal and in your range. It is not like these manacles or anything else would help the tribs raid against you. Even if you are a criminal. Also, next time someone comes to retrieve the scales, how about you let them rest one room away to recover.
10903, Tribunal vs. Criminal in town, is this balanced?
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Keeping it only in the scope of a tribunals ability to kill a criminal, is this change fair and balanced? As far as I'm concerned any other situation is immaterial to the balance of this power.

To me that means answering very simple questions. Do tribunals need more power to kill criminals? Are the hardships of being a criminal too easy, too difficult, or just about right?

Unless you think that criminals have it too easy and/or tribunals ability to kill criminals needs to be upped, then they don't need a new power which prevents fleeing (one of the most powerful concepts in the game, especially when coupled with a power that prevents word or teleport).

If I re-read the last parenthetical statement, were I an imm, the ONLY way I would implement this change would be to make it a choice - manacles or coffles, not both. Even then, I'm inclined to think this isn't a balanced change.
10904, RE: Tribunal vs. Criminal in town, is this balanced?
Posted by Murcadin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would agree with what you say here. This would be to powerful for tribunals to have. I give criminals that are willing to try and stand toe to toe with a trib and his two guards alot of credit. My comments were more directed at the "give the outlanders more power" response.

I also think that my suggestion on a different post about guards having a "subdue" ability would be way too powerful, but would be a hell of a lot of fun!