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Topic subjectBounty suggestions.
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1066, Bounty suggestions.
Posted by Kadsuane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There should be a little more freedom with the Bounty system I thinks. For starters you should be able to remove them after they have been set. For a cost ofcourse, say you lose half of what you offered up if you recall the bounty. But things change you know your enemy one day maybe your friend the next, so being able to remove a bounty can sometimes be in a persons's interest.
Other Idea I had for bounty was to make it anonymous, more in secret type stuff. So no one knows who put the bounty on someone, keeps you guessing and for obvious reason makes the use of bounty more likely. I figure you guys coded this stuff to actually see it used.
Anyway thats my two rupees

Much Love
Crazy Injun
1087, bounty cancel available next crash/reboot (n/t)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1091, :-) nt
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1085, RE: Bounty suggestions.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>There should be a little more freedom with the Bounty system
>I thinks. For starters you should be able to remove them after
>they have been set. For a cost ofcourse, say you lose half of
>what you offered up if you recall the bounty. But things
>change you know your enemy one day maybe your friend the next,
>so being able to remove a bounty can sometimes be in a
>persons's interest.

I can see just being able to remove a bounty you placed. Getting the money back I don't like, lest the bounty system become a poor man's fence skill.

(Granted, you could sort of do this already to some degree by going into cahoots with someone, getting them to place bounties on you and letting them kill you, but that's such obviously poor RP that I have no problem busting out the whooping stick on it.)
1083, The two suggestions
Posted by DwE on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) You can cancel a bounty you placed without refund. (The bounty office is under no obligation to correct the assumption that a bounty exists with hunters in the field)

2) A limited anonymity could reasonably come into play.
* Pay a premium to withhold your identity in the general bounty list
* Know that the office can be bribed to give up your name
- The larger the bounty the higher the bribe? Why stick your neck out against someone with that much copper?

Whether those sound good to the staff is one thing and whether they are worth doing is another. The first suggestion is something that has never crossed my mind, but the second.. I'd pay an extra 5-10% to get my name off the list. At the very least I know I'd be forcing someone to pay that much to find out who I am. }>

1075, RE: Bounty suggestions.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>There should be a little more freedom with the Bounty system
>I thinks. For starters you should be able to remove them after
>they have been set. For a cost ofcourse, say you lose half of
>what you offered up if you recall the bounty. But things
>change you know your enemy one day maybe your friend the next,
>so being able to remove a bounty can sometimes be in a
>persons's interest.

If this went into affect, it'd likely be that you lost everything. The bounty office doesn't care if you guys are now friends, he's still got overhead to clear. You don't want it anymore, fine...he keeps it.

>Other Idea I had for bounty was to make it anonymous, more in
>secret type stuff. So no one knows who put the bounty on
>someone, keeps you guessing and for obvious reason makes the
>use of bounty more likely. I figure you guys coded this stuff
>to actually see it used.

So what's to stop the guy you are paying to keep it anonymous from selling that information to someone else for an even higher price? Is this acceptable, or do you just want complete anonymity (in which case, it likely isn't going to happen).
1078, actually that's a good idea
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One reason for a bounty office not to reveal who placed the bounty is the same reason that Lokrin kept people who put bounties though him anonymous. Anonymity is good for the business. Keep the placers of bounties secret, and more people should place them.

But if you don't like the idea of secret bounties, then I submit that the idea of allowing someone to pay more than the bounty just to find out who placed it is a good one.
1079, What if
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the guy who wants to find out who put the bounty, he has to pay for that information, 50% of the bounty value? Making the info available to everyone kind of defeats the purpose of a contract killer and authorizing a contract.

>You don't want it anymore, fine...he keeps it.

That has no logic whatsoever. You say it like it is OBVIOUS that this is how things MUST be...*roll* Why does everything with you have to be so extreme? Overhead would be a certain % of the total bounty to make things worth it.
As for losing everything if you recall the bounty, thats retarded and unrealistic, from any point of view. 50% would be reasonable, and would also be a lot of money if the sum is great enough.

I like the secrecy part, its nice. Keeps people guessing as to who their enemy is. Could be someone in their own cabal.
1080, RE: What if
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>You don't want it anymore, fine...he keeps it.
>That has no logic whatsoever.

Really...You pay a guy $50,000 to kill someone. Two weeks later you come back and tell him, nevermind I don't want him killed, can I have my money back? The outcome I see here is you getting killed and him keeping the money.

>As for losing everything if you recall the bounty, thats
>retarded and unrealistic, from any point of view. 50% would be
>reasonable, and would also be a lot of money if the sum is
>great enough.

In regards to the bounty office. There are people actively hunting this guy that you have a bounty on. You suddenly yank the bounty on him...these guys are gonna be pissed off. The bounty guy has to cover his ass. The bounty office doesn't give a rats ass about you and changing your mind. He cares about profit, and his own ass.

>I like the secrecy part, its nice. Keeps people guessing as to
>who their enemy is. Could be someone in their own cabal.

As I said...it will never be truly anonymous, there will always be a way to find out who placed the bounty. Money buys information.
1082, RE: What if
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**Really...You pay a guy $50,000 to kill someone. Two weeks later you come back and tell him, nevermind I don't want him killed, can I have my money back?**

Actually the 'market' has a 50% contract cancelation fee. Some go as high as 70%, depending on the expenses incurred and trouble so far and the nature of the contract.

You could go, 15% if person is between rank 11-20, 30% for 20-30, 50% for 30-40, 80% for 40-51. SO you get back money depending on what rank your contract target is. So the above % is retained based on what your target's rank is now, not on what he was when you placed the bounty. *shrug*

**The outcome I see here is you getting killed and him keeping the money. **

No, that build a bad reputation and eventually nobody is going to place contracts with you anymore. That only happens in the slums and ghetto, not with organized bounty hunters (offices) or 'respectable' contract killers.

Another option would be, that once you cancel more than 2 contracts on the bounty office, you care no longer allowed to place bounties on anyone for quite some time.

**As I said...it will never be truly anonymous, there will always be a way to find out who placed the bounty. Money buys information.**

Im not saying to have it completely anonymous. What im saying is to make people pay for that information. Not to get it for free.
1088, Uhhh
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Out of curiosity, do you happen to be a contract killer? You seem very sure you know exactly how it works.
1081, RE: What if
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would first like to express my appreciation for statements like:

Why does everything with you have to be so extreme? .... As for losing everything if you recall the bounty, thats retarded and unrealistic, from any point of view.

Now that my irony quota is out of the way, my retarded and unrealistic point of view is that the bounty industry isn't going to be populated by the Floofi Paladin Glee Club. This is the reason bounty offices are relegated to places like Arkham and Dagdan. If you cut a deal with them, you can't just back out. It'd be like trying to explain to your Mafia loan shark that you just don't need the money any more, and you'd like to return the original sum and part of the accrued interest.

I could also see some form of "bounty cancel" command (it's no skin off their back to toss out an unfulfilled contract), but I don't see them cutting the rebate check.

1092, RE: What if
Posted by Kadsuane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The idea about money back.. that was just a spur of the moment thing. Being able to cancel bounties was my main point. Now that I think about it, getting your money back from a merc operation isnt something that should be possible. From a rp point of view im not even sure a character would want to try.

Much Love

Cuddly Parv
1094, RE: What if
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I would first like to express my appreciation for statements
>Why does everything with you have to be so extreme? .... As
>for losing everything if you recall the bounty, thats retarded
>and unrealistic, from any point of view.

Always a pleasure Valg, youre welcome.
1173, Humm. I sing First Tenor...
Posted by Cassman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the Floofi Paladin Glee Club

Do you have to be Lawful Good ? 'cause that would suck.

1093, RE: Bounty suggestions.
Posted by Kadsuane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>>Other Idea I had for bounty was to make it anonymous, more
>>secret type stuff. So no one knows who put the bounty on
>>someone, keeps you guessing and for obvious reason makes the
>>use of bounty more likely. I figure you guys coded this
>>to actually see it used.
>So what's to stop the guy you are paying to keep it anonymous
>from selling that information to someone else for an even
>higher price? Is this acceptable, or do you just want
>complete anonymity (in which case, it likely isn't going to

Yeah I agree here. Make anonymity breakable if someone comes in and pays a sum equivalent to the initial bounty that was set, to find out who set it. From the bounty office's stand point this would be a two fer. This would also promote healthy competition in the bounty system. And tempt people into setting higher bounties than what I have been seeing, some of them have been down right pitiful. 10-12k bounties on hero lvl chars. Come on

P.S appreciate the changes you already made

Thats my two rupees!

Much Love
Crazy Parv
1071, maybe pay extra fo anonymity
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know from when I played Lokrin that having the bounty office publish you as the placer of a bounty put a lot of people off.

Usually they are placed by people who cannot handle the guy the bounty goes on. So the last thing they want is for that person to know they placed it.