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Topic subjectRangers & Wilderness Familiarity
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10654, Rangers & Wilderness Familiarity
Posted by tapster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Two ranger requests, please don't shoot me down too badly nepenthe ;)

1) Rangers with the exception of shapeshifters and animals, only get benefits from wilderness familiarity in the wilds as it should be. They are intended to be among the best of forest warriors. With all the specs and legacies out there, and nothing like that for rangers...in addition to parry/dodge improvements, would it be possible to have wilderness familiarity give some sort of aid against off-round weapon skills? This doesn't have to be a tone-down mongoose thing, but even something behind the scenes that increases the chance of warrior skills working less on rangers in the forest or not getting instantly slayed by 8 hit flurries,etc,etc?

2) Survivalist and many other things work in exotic wilderness conditions. Would it be possible for rangers to get any benefit, if even not full wilderness familiarity benefit, when amidst oceans, lakes, and rivers? This could be already coded, I honestly don't know. And can you solve my puzzlement, say my ranger really loves the seas and oceans, etc, does this help or go against my wilderness familiarity?

PS. I sure miss ranger bears, (never had them, I was a newbie back then, but they seemed so kewl) :)
10671, RE: Rangers & Wilderness Familiarity
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Two ranger requests, please don't shoot me down too badly
>nepenthe ;)
>1) Rangers with the exception of shapeshifters and animals,
>only get benefits from wilderness familiarity in the wilds as
>it should be. They are intended to be among the best of
>forest warriors. With all the specs and legacies out there,
>and nothing like that for rangers...in addition to parry/dodge
>improvements, would it be possible to have wilderness
>familiarity give some sort of aid against off-round weapon
>skills? This doesn't have to be a tone-down mongoose thing,
>but even something behind the scenes that increases the chance
>of warrior skills working less on rangers in the forest or not
>getting instantly slayed by 8 hit flurries,etc,etc?

I don't think rangers really need this, honestly. They're meant to be tough in the wild, and they are -- if they were meant to be unbeatable by a warrior in the wilds (a fight I already consider sharply slanted towards the ranger unless the warrior is built in one of a few ways which are, in turn, not optimal for other situations), warriors would be even more reticent to fight a ranger in the wilds.

>2) Survivalist and many other things work in exotic wilderness
>conditions. Would it be possible for rangers to get any
>benefit, if even not full wilderness familiarity benefit, when
>amidst oceans, lakes, and rivers? This could be already

I'm pretty sure all the assorted water isn't considered naturey for a ranger's purposes right now. Yes, an ocean is natural, but the ranger class as it currently exists is more focused on being trained to survive / blend in / fight in the likes of forests and mountains. A single ranger isn't meant to whip monkey ass everywhere except cities and roads.

>coded, I honestly don't know. And can you solve my
>puzzlement, say my ranger really loves the seas and oceans,
>etc, does this help or go against my wilderness familiarity?

Go against, I believe. See the above explanation. If the ranger class had choices and specialization options built into it, maybe you'd be able to be a ranger who loved the oceans and was great in them but correspondingly terrible in deserts or something. Right now rangers are all cut from the same cloth; if/when they're revamped down the line, this might be a kind of option I'd consider offering.
10675, Thanks for the reply, customization would be great N/T
Posted by tapster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM