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Topic subjectMay contest! (if Valg chooses to adopt it afterwards heh)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=1009
1009, May contest! (if Valg chooses to adopt it afterwards heh)
Posted by jasmin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
let's flesh out that hero echoes idea. Please write down what class the echo will be for, and the echo in it's entirety. To keep it simple let's make a new post for each new echo entry. Or another option would be to just make a sub-string for each class, and reply to that string.
1014, #1 reason not to put this in:
Posted by RealShea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I'm team evil and I see a global echo alerting me that someone from team good just made hero, I'm going to have a pretty good idea where to track them down and kill them with my four friends. Sure, I could just spam who pk and notice that they just made it to 51, but that requires action on my part. Not a handwritten note saying: "So and so's out ranking and probably open to an attack." Same for team good vs. team evil.
1018, doesn't have to be that way
Posted by jasmin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally wasn't thinking global echo, just a local. That's just my opinion. However, if your hunting, wouldn't you know to look in ranking places anyway if they aren't a hero?
1026, RE: doesn't have to be that way
Posted by RealShea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, probably should have put my original response below either Theerkla's or Xaanix's. Either way, I don't go for global echoes letting people know your activities (should the gechos not be controlled by an Imm for some reason) without at least them working toward it using skills, scouting, etc.
1027, RE: doesn't have to be that way
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Definitely something I didn't think of, but here's my two counter arguements:
1.) I would say that I knew virtually everytime an enemy in my pk range gained a rank in hero pk range

2.) If I'm hunting someone pre-hero the FIRST place I always looked was ranking spots

So, I don't think a gecho announcing someone just heroed gives away that much in the way of valuable of information and besides it's just cool.

I thought it would be even cooler if the imm's could code it if you got a special gecho for your first ever hero (a bit inaccurate since it would likely be by ip address) but thought against it since then you're announcing "I'm kinda new at these ranks, please come kill me" to everybody who hadn't already figured it out.
1052, Well now that I've read the previous posts (sheepish grin)
Posted by Gwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess I'd have to agree. And I really like the gechos you've suggested.

I have one that I think might work for shifters.

Shifter= Raucus cries and loud howling spreads across the land as all the animal species in Thera recognize and salute the assension of <charname> to Grandmaster/mistress of Changlings ( I think that's the title?)

Smile - It can't hurt and might help. :)
1051, I think just having a local echo would be nice.
Posted by Gwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe just your own character would see it or possibly your group, cabal, or whoever is in the room with you. But it doesn't have to be global. Personally I don't think I'd want all my enemies knowing I just heroed.
1012, A-P Thread
Posted by Rade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like the global emote idea from Theerkla here's mine for lichs:

Your bottom feels strangely sore as a thousand damned souls bow before Rade the Lich Lord.
1011, RE: May contest! (if Valg chooses to adopt it afterwar...
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off I think these should be global echos. Not knowing the numbers, you probably aren't talking more than a few a day, so it shouldn't be too obnoxious. I took a stab at all the classes I could think of something for a couple of duplicates, but I was working on short notice:

Tortured cries are heard in Udgaard, as the blood of 51 pitiful wretches drain on to the soil annointing <charname> the fist of darkness

The soft whisper of a dagger striking home is all that is heard of <charname> the Dai Sensei of Miyama Ryu

In South Darien, several drunken voices break out in spontaneous song heralding the exultation of the grandmaster/mistress of artistry <charname>

Snorts and howls rise from out near Akhan as <charname> wins the mantle of Chieften of the Grinning Skull Clan

A tearing sound rips through the skies as the realms of existence twist slightly. <charname> the Planewalker has gained true control of the elemental planes

A deafening murmur rises in the forrests as the wilds welcome <charname> the druid hero

Soft chanting can be heard in the temples of Arkham welcoming <charname> as one worthy of the title Protector of faith


Dark clouds gather and a low rumble is heard as the earth itself trembles, signalling the becoming of <charname>

The clang of sword on shield peals through the mountaintops as <charname> accepts the responsibility of the title Avenger of the Righteous

A deafening murmur rises in the forrests as the wilds welcome <charname> the King of the Glade

Soft chanting can be heard in the temples of Arkham welcoming <charname> as one worthy of the title <insert Shaman Hero title here>

Shapeshifter ?

Several merchants tighten their pursestrings at once as the thieves guild awards <charname> the title Hand of the Unseen


Raucous cheers are heard from the warriors guild in Galadon as the halls of heros accept a new brother/sister in <charname> the weaponmaster/mistress

1019, I love em,
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though i think the thief hero title should be changed back to Grandmaster of Thieves. That title kicked ass. Lord of the Underworld would also rock for a hero thief. THe hand of the Unseen is really...not fitting.