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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectTreasure!!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=9940&mesg_id=9977
9977, Treasure!!
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good lord, what happened to the days when there was a treasure worth more than 4 gold that a thief could actually get to that an invoker/conjuror/etc couldn't do much more easily, quicker, and more efficiently?

Locked chests with goodies that other classes drool over but can't access?

The way it is now, all the thief paths (with the possible exception of pickpocket) are just a watered down fighters with hide.

Excluding path skills I personally find incongruent with the overarching philosphy of the particular path (what does grapple/deathstrike/have to do with bullying anyone? What does shield block have to do with traps?), I think thieves need 2-3 more 'thievy' skills distributed across the board. Detect treasure. Smell gold. Locate buried treasure. Maybe they should come with a metal detector wand and a loot bucket. I don't know, but something!

When that treasure south of Seantryn, which requires lock picking and stealing from decent level mobs = zero gold, and a certain dwarven treasure chest can't be picked by a midling thief, and only contains 3 gold to begin with, I agree with Eskelian, what's the point?

Heh, sorry but I have old ties to the class, and feel strongly about hooking up my thief peeps. =P