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Topic subject:) I've never come anywhere near this.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=9849&mesg_id=9944
9944, :) I've never come anywhere near this.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I typed out a long babbling book of different things I noticed about 'leaders' and how they manage to get various players to actually do something, some do it carrot/stick style, the more effective ones seem to do it like the banks of a river, guiding but leaving room for some movement. but I just removed all that because the real reason for the post is that I've been sitting on my duff 'CF-wise' (IRL I've been crazy-busy hehe) and waiting around for something to tell me to leave off, or 'OOOHHH roll this/try this'!

So you have now given me a goal. This one will probably be much harder than 'get a character to 25th level.' :) my first goal. Wow that was a long time ago.

I'm going to try to figure out how to play a 'leader' type character.
This will be more difficult for me than many others as I've never had that natural arrogance that presumes I know more about what I am doing than the next guy and they should listen to me. I've always stayed low-key. Never tried to push a group in a certain direction, well okay unless it was role related. hehe I think Nimelerion tried to push for retrieving, but he just had to.

Well Now I have to sort out a role, desc, race/class combo etc..
If I figure it out it won't be from any natural ability, I'll have to learn it step by step - Which means probably 30 characters or more. hehe- but I'll be able to explain how it happens because of learning it, not being able to do it naturally.

Wish me luck.