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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectENTROPY
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=69562&mesg_id=69564
69564, ENTROPY
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Entropy is kind of the un-cabal. There are no rules, really, except that you shouldn't mindlessly follow rules.

Basic philosophy:
Entropy strives to bring Thera to its natural state of disorder, free from civilization, which is inherently dedicated to the manipulation of its members.

Organized society, law, and order are meaningless constructs that force others to act against their better judgments and instincts. A Baron of Chaos recognizes no authority besides himself or herself and the gods. In recognizing that order is futile and life is inherently unpredictable, Entropists embrace Chaos and randomness as means to achieve their goals and fulfill their desires. Within the maelstrom of Chaos swirls beauty and horror -- what we cherish above all and what we fear the most.

Though seemingly similar to Outlanders on the surface, this philosophy contrasts sharply with the Outlander cabal's in several ways. Outlanders, though free and chaotic-leaning, are the enforcers of natural laws and are bound to follow the commandments of the Ancients. Outlanders also embrace some basic social structures; they embrace leaders and recognize "alphas" in packs.

Entropists, meanwhile, are pure individualists and anarchists who are loosely affiliated through the Equation and a common study of Chaos Magic. They hold no reverence for nature or natural law and have no objections to extraplanar sorcery, magical mutations, or undeath. They do, however, reject the art of conjuration -- not because of the breaking of planar boundaries, but because the binding into servitude of extraplanar beings conflicts with their commitment to absolute freedom.

Hard requirements for joining:
- Must have chaotic ethos
- Must be an anti-paladin, invoker, necromancer, shapeshifter, or transmuter.

Highly recommended:
- Have a role.
- The role should make sense.
- This is a cabal of Chaos Mages, who approach life from an intelligent but non-orderly, anarchistic point of view. Yes, they sometimes rely on random chance and wild magic to achieve their goals. So do not be Chaotic Stupid (See: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticStupid).

How to apply:
- Pledge to the Beer Elemental.
- Write a note to Entropy.
- Having a role addressing your reasons for wishing to join will go a very long way.
- Currently, only immortals can induct into this cabal. It is possible this will change in the future.

Cabal goals:
- Down with The Man!
- Whatever you want.
- Also, thin or break the Veil and let magic run wild!

Cabal enemies:
Because of the unique nature of the cabal, there are no leaders and there are no official enemies. However, you can expect problems with Battle, Tribunal, and Empire, and possibly anyone else who decides they have a problem with Entropy on any given day.

Other notes:
The Entropy cabal has a few powers now, but will receive more as more players join and participate in quests. Stay tuned for exciting changes.