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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: Komodo Dragon discussion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=58819&mesg_id=61192
61192, RE: Komodo Dragon discussion
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've always pretty much habitually played shapeshifters, I bounce off an on to other classes, but always go back to a shifter and this an opinion I'm sure not everybody is behind.

The problem with the changes to the regen. forms is just the fact that they cannot perform in the manner a defense form should. I completely agree that when facing a single slaver/skeleton/or storm giant with a good damage source or two backing you, while still having to get nervous your going to take a dirt nap feels a bit *BLEH*.

The biggest problem in my eyes is having a hemmorage or impale completely make your form about worthless. You go from having a great form before the changes to basically having a healing factor when you run away after. On top of that now you cannot even run away to heal because the bleeding makes it virtually useless. It's sort of like not getting a new creature, but getting the Whispers legacy in critter form.

Maybe perhaps instead of beating the damage redux tree again, its lost enough acorns, you could think maybe about tweeking it so that these forms in question have their thick hides come into affect a bit more often or perhaps something of that nature. Yes I know there's an edge for that, I've taken it numerous times, and the affect is not all too noticeable and is very costly EP wise.

Take for instance the Crocodile and a form like the Rhino or TD Spider. When your tier1 offense or utility forms are out performing your tier1 defense form, it just becomes aggravating, most people deal with it for a while then they snap out and delete or just let the character dust its self.

Just saying perhaps somewhere there is some middle ground we can all meet on that will satisfy the players need and not aggravate Umiron into complete madness involving canoe whacking everybody for Christmas :D