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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectA few additions:
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=527&mesg_id=548
548, A few additions:
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
- Along with Nepenthe's halted role issue, the halted description bothers me too. I've seen middle-aged or old characters with that never age in their description, or who switch genders but are still their original gender in their description. Also on the subject, characters that have a lot of action going on in their description, such as "This long-haired maiden returns your gaze and smiles warmly at you in acknowledgement." Really? Does your elven healer intend to do this when that lich who just killed her looks at her as she recovers items from her defiled corpse?

- As the person who implemented (not wrote, but included) a lot of the language references in the lyceum, I will second that the overabundance of language really can bog roleplaying down. Now, Vella submitted a storm giant language reference, for example, and if you tried to use that excessively you would become incomprehensible. If I remember correctly though, when Vella himself roleplayed with this, it was pretty well done. Anyone who interacted with the character much at all could pick up what most of the words meant from inference.

- On the subject, thick accents drive me nuts! I often get a headache trying to decipher what certain characters are saying. I think a character can have an accent without mangling every other word. If you look at most fictional characters in books that have accents, you'll see its much more downplayed than it is by most characters on CF. Also, if your character has an accent, do they really have to *write* with an accent too?

- Races. It seems that not enough folks out there, roleplay their race, or believe that roleplaying their race consists of an above-mentioned funny accent. Predjudices, food choices, clothing choices, fears, racial superiority, emoted quirks, etc, can all make a race seem more believable. Often times, races are just humans wearing funny masks, if that.