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Topic subjectRE: RP-related pet peeves
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=527&mesg_id=537
537, RE: RP-related pet peeves
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) "-est ever" type declarations in player descriptions. CF

I agree. I always laugh at these kinds of things. Along these lines is the description of the ultimate most badass-est guy ever with a permanent grimace and hatred in his eyes who's always so cheerful and easygoing when you talk to him. More common with evil characters. I think this comes to guts a lot as a player. People have this image of the evil villain who's mean, but they don't want to talk big because they can't back it up with PK skill, or they don't want to hurt their ranking chances.

>3) Characters that can quote their cabal/religion's helpfile
>very nicely, but falter quickly when a discussion/argument
>meanders away from it.

These dudes are the best. My favorite is when it seems like they have a trigger to cut and paste the helpfile for their religion if certain words are spoken.

BobNewbie says "How much time will it take to get to tar valon from here?"

Unempowered says "the flow of time decides all. It guides which actions must be taken at which times, and dictates advance and retreat as well."

Bob says "Uhh, okay."

(this does not reflect any particular character or incident)

>>with, too. Let me feel your character's role come out even in
>discussing that philosophy.

This is good, but can leak into what I described above. It can get annoying when someone turns every conversation into them describing their philosophy.

>7) The amazing halting role.

I have found myself falling into this a couple times. I start out with a whole bunch of ideas, unqiue perspectives, but find that it's too hard to remember everything I wanted to include, so I end up screwing up and end up dropping stuff to at least be consistant. But then i delete because I'm dissapointed in how it turned out.

10) Recently mentioned in another thread: Characters that
>attempt to speak completely or mostly in a 'different
>language' drive me freakin' nuts. The odd one word here or
>there for flavor? That I have no problem with, especially if
>it's for a concept that doesn't really exist in
>English/common. To try to explain what I mean poorly with
>real-world examples, words like 'karma', 'machismo', or
>'bushido' might succinctly refer to non-Anglo-Saxon-ish
>background concepts.

Not sure exactly what you mean here. Do you mean like people who spout random bits of latin, or elvish constantly? I've never seen spanish or french or anything. Or are you talking more about made up words?

Related to this. Has anyone ever read Preacher, the comic? Sometimes when I'm talking to somoene (dwarves can be especially bad) I get the sudden urge to roll up a character who talks like Arseface. Except I don't have the talent to make it so people can understand it, like Garth Ennis does.

For the uninitiated, here's an example of Arseface's speech:

UH TUMUHFUHYUH VUHYUHUH UHFUH! (Translation: It's time to face the vengeance of Arseface!)