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Topic subjectA/B/S idea Sleek quests!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=53312&mesg_id=53312
53312, A/B/S idea Sleek quests!
Posted by Sarien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know that right after the A/B/S change-over there was a huge debate, with tons of 'ideas' on how to "effectively re-do" the A/B/S system.

While this post may not get much attention, I have an idea on how to 'revamp' the A/B/S system in a very CF way.

Would you guys consider changing out the 3 static locations per char method with a quest driven method?

I envision the following:

3 quests mobs that reside in the HTOS/Consortium (what better areas for mages?) One for each 'color' of sleek Amber/Sienna/Black

These guys, will give mages quests for a corresponding wand type.

Example: Shifter gets to lvl 30. At this point, the Amber mage quest guy will start talking to the shifter, and offer a quest. Sienna and Black mage quest guys would start talking/offering quests at appropriate levels.

The quest might be "Go and retrieve XYZ from this caster and return it to me" Or, it could be "Go and gather your wand from this dude:" style quest. The quest would have a 'completion' timer of 3 days, you would have 3 in-game days to complete it, or it expires.

You could use current Amber mobs/locations etc as the actual quest objectives

These quest objectives would be random, and repeatable. There would be a 'group' of quests for each tier based on race/align/ethos just like A/B/S spot selection is now.

The quests would be repeateable every 24 hrs in-game (or however long it takes current sleeks to repop..48 hrs? I dunno) But, it should be designed so that the "Failure" timer is longer than the "Completed" timer.

You can only get a 'new' wand quest by either completing it (shortest time) or by waiting for the quest to expire (longer time)

The advantage to this system, I believe would be that there would be many less people considering their mage 'ruined' by bad locations. Because sure, while it may suck that mr amber mage just handed your offense shifter an under-water location...it isn't permanent, and you can roll the dice on a 'better' quest in a 'couple days time in-game' So yes, while it will suck to have to wait longer for a wand you can gather...it sucks infinitely less than being STUCK with a ####ty underwater spot as mr offense shifter.

It would also promote people to explore places they might not normally (not that the current system doesn't, but this would keep mages more mobile, and less predictable)

I believe this solution addresses what I consider to be a huge barrier to mage fun. It gets rid of getting 'stuck with' ####ty wand spots..due to sheer bad luck. While still preserving difficulty in obtaining sleeks.

Whatcha think?

(It should be noted that my 3 day/2 day etc timers are completely adjustable, as I do not know the exact current timers on sleek retrieval etc)