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Topic subjectI think the comment was made because of this ...txt inside
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=4954&mesg_id=4975
4975, I think the comment was made because of this ...txt inside
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
more impressive to face an inner solo
if that inner exploits a vuln of your
and he's not like a paladin or healer
where he can heal himself in combat
and he did not flee once.
My personal view is that was what the comment
was about. but ask the guy who wrote it if
you want to know for sure. :)

The only problem I ever had with the fort
guardians is that you can't get there in time.
word, run run run... outer dead run run run.
If it was a lone hero fighting inner is so-so
when you get there, if it was 2 he is near death.
3 well maybe you can hit them on the way out.
If that is the way it needs to be fine fine.
I'll just try to run faster next time I play a fortie
even then it never really bothered me until i was resting
at the inner, 3 folks strike, i pause only long enough to
zap myself with 'A' wand, get down to the maran and
he falls as i get there. never stopped to use the wands
after that, i know i didn't have time.
maybe that is where the fort gets some of the one goes
out and drops another one and drops etc..
wonder if the ones that race out are like me and used
to playing when no one else was about to help defend??

I don't mean this to be a rant if it sounds like it,
I always figured you work around the disadvantages
you get in game. or plow through them, or die.
(As you all know, I don't mind dying)
I'd LIKE to see tougher guardians, but I'm not
going to hold my breath.