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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: (EDITED) Re: Mark of the Prey. Could we discuss changing this some how? Ideas enclosed.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=45842&mesg_id=45844
45844, RE: (EDITED) Re: Mark of the Prey. Could we discuss changing this some how? Ideas enclosed.
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Assassins have so many tools for fighting rangers(And every
>other class) already that I feel they don't need to be able to
>nullify the rangers biggest offensive move and defensive
>ability with a 10th level skill. Perhaps allow the
>ranger/Outie to camouflage but not ambush.
>My most PK successful character was a Dark-elven assassin that
>more or less feasted on rangers in their natural habitat.
>Enough so that I was able to gather a couple edges from PK's
>alone. That's huge for me!
>The skill just seems magical to me. Certainly more powerful
>than it should be on a class that's already amazing in all

Re: the above, IMO assassin v. ranger, post-wilderness fam, is one of the most fun matchups in the game with two determined opponents. I think it's slightly tilted in favor of the ranger, but requires some cleverness and guts from both sides. Removing mark from that equation will disrupt something that is working.

For RobDarken's benefit, the bases for my opinion are:

1. The ranger can permalag, but the assassin can't. Played well on the ranger's part, the assassin's choice to mark may cost him his life.

2. The ranger also knows at least one weapon the assassin does not. Makes it likely the ranger will win in a slug fest.

3. The assassin can maledict and the ranger, relatively, can't. Increases assassin's chances when the fight draws out.

4. The ranger can use staves and scrolls, and the assassin cannot. DR advantage to the ranger when the fight draws out.

5. Both classes dodge extremely well (in the wilds) and both can heal themselves and escape quickly (pathfinding and vanish). So the battles can take some time without the old flee/quaff.

6. And finally, pertinent to your point: both classes can see each other at all times in the wild - it's the best chance they have to kill each other so both are encouraged to stick around as long as possible. If you remove mark from the equation, the assassin will just try to assassinate the rare times the ranger is in the open, effectively killing one of the most fun matchups in the game.