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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: A couple of things.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=45483&mesg_id=45596
45596, RE: A couple of things.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>--The thing about the logic thing is you can do it too...

Oh, absolutely. Anyone can do it. The issue is not with applying logic to a discussion. It's that some posters choose to shut down discussion with "APPEAL TO PITY! YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID" when, in fact, very few arguments made around here are so cut and dried. A given argument may contain elements that are fallacies, but CF isn't 4chan and it isn't some Truther forum. The arguments presented here (likely because they all revolve around a common experience with limited parameters)are generally cleaner than you might find elsewhere. Also, if you're going to appeal to logic, do so, don't just point a finger and cackle. (I'm not saying that you're guilty of this, by the way.)

>--But who decides?

It's pretty obvious, from my POV, that a person who is educated or experienced in a matter can decide whether or not someone's education or knowledge on a subject is sufficient to warrant discussing said matter with them. I set up relatively complex intelligent lighting systems for a living. Frequently people I work with/for have an opinion as to how to set up these systems. If I discern during the first sixty seconds that someone has no basic understanding of the limits of the communication protocol between the console and the fixtures, I'm not going to accept an argument that they might make to "just do it this way." While everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you don't know what the #### you're talking about I'm not obligated to listen to you.

Now, regarding Artificial and his ability to grok aspects of Carrion Fields: You may be right. He may be a savant. He may be a freaking wizard, but the fact remains that he is still saying "X is easy" without demonstrating just how easy X is. This is the antithesis of his belief that claims require evidence and it's pretty annoying to observe.

As for your opinion that Battle is easier than non-Battle, I can't argue with you on that, as depending on playstyle this will or will not hold true for any given player. As far as I can tell from fighting your characters, they mostly play like Battle anyway (not prepping much, being aggressive, covering lots of ground without magic) so to each their own on that one.

And I still think you're mistakenly pigeonholing "people who play Battle." Granted, one Jerrokrar can really sour people on a whole cabal and I know people get fed up with Quas, but in my experience there are, at any given time, three or four extremely well RPed, parity-observing, kick-ass Villagers around. Anyone who can't find them may not be putting as much effort into RP as they think they are.