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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRP Playstyle...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=45301&mesg_id=45324
45324, RP Playstyle...
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
More often than not you give off the 'I'm here to have a good time and chillax via PK and light RP' vibe (I be guilty of this as well).Yes you stay in character but your goodies are basically the same character with the same quirks and happy-go-lucky attitude, and your evils are typically similar as well with the exception of Tavlin who was based on an OOC concept that only you could have pulled off and been rewarded for. These aren't necessarily bad things, it is just obvious you are here to have fun and pk with power builds rather than immerse yourself completely in RP (guilty). Like..I think if you played a Herald anything with the rule of not ever having any limited gear you would last 6 hours max, no pity quest forms allowed either.

The character Twist himself falls into this same boat. When I go for your tat I know my best strategy is not to put out in depth RP to all those around me all the time, just do something pretty cool (usually PK oriented) and hope you're around to see it. Eventually you either catch it or get told about it.

The 'I've been damaged by your dual-wielding axes and pincering!' PSA is the perfect example of this. Not necessarily wrong, but definitely the opinion of a light RP player.

The black light attack of your offhand wielded flail has MANGLED me and dropped me to gushing blood sir! Perhaps next time I should type flee instead of retreat! The entwine is what really killed me though! I have lost a third of constitution!
