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Topic subjectRE: Duergars: The Evil Master Race Swinging the Balance and...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=4189&mesg_id=4193
4193, RE: Duergars: The Evil Master Race Swinging the Balance and...
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're bitching about one of the stupidest races in CF.

Do you realize what 16 int does to this race, since spam practice is mostly negated? This race is at 85 on defenses at 40 where most people have nearly or already perfected them.

The reason there's very few duergar that make it fully through to the hero range (without ganging/being a Rager) has alot to do with duergar having the "gank me" sign around it's neck.

Frankly, duergar have been, and always will be, a reasonable threat to hiding classes, and rightly so. If you really want to show duergar what's what though, just gang them with 4+ thieves/assassins.

I can't say much for the stats except they more than make up for the lack of int, provided you're willing to put up with the fact that many skills that you don't use much will remain sub-par most of your life, as will defenses if you don't grab a shield/sword and tank, and hog all the chances to tank until your HP is low. The other thing is, there's alot of skills that aren't skill % dependant. You obviously haven't tried to rank a duergar beyond 30 without grabbing Empire/Tribunal/Rager as a cabal. Trust me, it's tough. I've more patience to hero a non-offensive shifter than a duergar, and that's saying alot since I prefer melee classes.

Oh, there's always been equal/greater numbers of fire giants than duergar at all times of day, and usually the numbers of drow are just 6-10 below comparable to duergar. Oh, and duergar can't dual wield two handed axes, limiting their choices greatly. Ever had a non giant axe spec drooling over two handed limited axes in your inventory that are impossible to put to any efficient use?

I'm happy that paladins are the offensive powerhouses they're supposed to be, rather than sanc/heal bitches (even if they can't land kills very well at all), especially for mobs being killed by out of range lowbies. That's the healer's/transmuter's job. Even despite all this, a paladin is *still* better suited to protection than vanquishing, hence the code/below average ability to ensure a kill.