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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: Your answer was fine
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=40107&mesg_id=40192
40192, RE: Your answer was fine
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just to have this clear, if I were to tell *smiling* bleh blah bleu
Then Java would be okay with it perhaps (since you can hear when
someone is smiling when they talk) but it would kind of irk you?
Another person would be seriously peeved and yet another wouldn't
care at all. Some might even think 'kudos'. Rock on then do whatever
and let people deal with it as they will, let's just TRY to keep
that ooc 'X pisses me off as a player' thing low key. I'm a different
sort of picky. I don't care about caps (or lack of) punctuation?
Pfft. It's spelling that does me in, sadly some words have had
the way they are spelled altered some time back and I never noticed.
*shrug* I try to suck it up and deal. :) When I am in pk and flub
words at the keyboard in a mid-battle tell I USED to backspace and
correct it. Now I send the icky tell and hate myself later. Hehe.

So how about this, we all cut people some slack on our pet peeves
realizing that we just might not see it the same way AND to be able
to cope we roll peeve-based characters. Some psychotic pk fellow
who tries to eat the face of people who do whatever it is that
pisses you off personally. Beg the gods for a flag like the newbie
flag to denote a pissed off vengeance character who has no role and
... Oh wait this is SUCH a bad idea, never mind, just stay pissed.