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Topic subjectAny title is a perk.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=40107&mesg_id=40132
40132, Any title is a perk.
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Negative or positive conotation, any title does a few things:
A. It makes your character distinct and recognizable. Any sort of non-stock title is a good thing. I've had a few, and when I've gotten them, it has always brought more life and deeper RP to my character.
B. It probably gets other imms to look at you, if only to see what is going on with the char. This can lead to random immteraction, which can always be fun.
C. It opens up tons of RP possibilities with other people who will be curious about you. You clearly have a story to tell now. You're not a random lowbie dark elf A-P anymore.

That's such a golden opportunity, wasted. It's one thing to just get neg-titled (and I think this one really does not qualify even as negative), another to get neg titled and have your char severly gimped by flaws or stat dropping or something. (Look at Jindicho).

Sometimes an Imm wants to see how you respond, and you can ultimately get rewarded for overcoming adversity and such. Lots of villagers F*** up (I see this more than in most other cabals), get exiled and neg titled, work their ass off to get back in, and get rewarded cause they did. Some do delete, which seems like a waste personally.

If you sent up a prayer that was anything other than respectful, be it boasting about yourself, or in anyway disrepctful to any Imm, don't think it will go unnoticed. Sometimes an Imm is doing a little planning on what to do in response. Setting up echoes, mobs to animate, or something else. Always keep in mind, some interactions are spur of the moment, others Imms plan out, and that can take time. If you log off, they might see it as you wasted their time, and act accordingly.

As a relatively unknown low level a-p, you should be cautious when approaching any Imm. Without details, can't say more, but for example I would not be a braggart to Scarabeus or insulting to Baer. I would be interested to know what the prayer was. A shame the char deleted, that could have been fun IC to work through and discover.