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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: IMMproved communication - 'We know you're not really Omnipotent!'
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=39044&mesg_id=39061
39061, RE: IMMproved communication - 'We know you're not really Omnipotent!'
Posted by BaronMySoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If I'm impressed and need to give you something that I've
>already picked out (immortal experience, a title, more
>empowerment juice, general 'attaboy!" peptalk, etc.) I have
>plenty of options. I can get one of my imm buds to pull the
>strings for me or I can leave you a detailed note (and we have
>even more toys in our "note" toolbox than we used to.)

Hon, you and the immstaff are limiting yourself here in this respect. You could do amazing things (Inception-style) automatically that would blow the mind of the player. Like, the next time they log in *and* go to sleep, start a dream sequence. Make it so they can't wake up and are "protected by an unseen force" and/or give a custom description to let players around them know something special is happening just to that player. If the note structure for 2.4 is *anything* like 2.3, then the coding shouldn't take more than 30 minutes.

But I digress. Just trying to say there's no need for you to get other imms to pull strings for you when you're not around, and this would add amazing flavor to the empowerment classes. One of the things that keeps me from playing empowerment characters is that I hate to pray for hours on end with 0 interaction. It's happened plenty of times before. However, if there was something in place that would ease the kind of frustration mentioned by the original poster, all that would do is enrich CF.