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Topic subjectRE: Things that really kills desire to play:
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=35182&mesg_id=35204
35204, RE: Things that really kills desire to play:
Posted by Thnoumundin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) How is this any different than shamans, necros, or APs
>summoning someone to a locked room, dispel or sleeping them,
>and then killing them? Or even the simplest version of being
>cursed at Centurions, which is quite unpleasant. Hell, I'm
>rarely too happy about being rotted and sitting out for 10 min
>to wait it off. Or being plagued, poisoned, and energy
>drained while having NO way to actively stop you from doing
>it. Every class has strengths and weaknesses, and this is one
>of the very few, very SPECIFIC advantages I've been able to
>make use of as a Champion.

You are kidding, right?
In a locked room you have a LOT of options. You can outdamage shaman (yes, pallys CAN do that); you can use orb of travel; you can have passdoor (phylactery of free movements); you can have some virtues that would save your ass.

But if you are HELD to #### for ####ing minutes, you have ZERO chances.

Don't play a fool, unless you are the one.

>2) Instead of literally *IMMEDIATELY* whining about abuse,
>making childish threats which come across more as a vindictive
>player than anything IC, and posting the log to the forums,
>you might try merely realizing that yes, I got the best of
>you. Next step is that it takes very few precautions to keep
>that from ever happening again. It's no different than the
>fact that any time I'm fighting Imperials in or around
>Balator, I make certain to pick up a room key to the Inn as

That IS abuse. I don't care for your excuses, but this instant-win button, and CF, for years, been getting rid of them. Charm person, mind control poison + maggots and other things were removed/nerfed.
This is the same.

Whine? If you call that a whine, okay. I do not really care. When I see a really good #### - I'm getting angry. Enough to say, during last 10 years of playing, I *never* posted anything like that. Not once.

There were ideas, suggestions and disagreements with imms, arguing and etc - but I never every complained about anything like that. And now I do.

And I have my holy right to do that, and I don't really care what will you say. I am totally correct here.

CF is a game where skill must give advantage, and not a win button.

>3) Pro: Do you EVER have a ####ing clue what you're talking
>about before you chime in?
>Personally, I understand that you're pissed, and died to a
>relatively dastardly trick. This is the Carrion Fields. It
>happens. Now, rather than bringing an ENTIRELY IC occurance
>out of context to the forums for a public washing, perhaps we
>can get back to the game?

See you in the fields.