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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: No.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=336&mesg_id=344
344, RE: No.
Posted by josiah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, I have played an empowered character. ~200 hrs on the character. Although I asked through prayer for guidance, I never received any. I tried to develop something, and I only received immteraction once. (for the empower).

I am not complaining about the experience. I have nothing respect for the immstaff, I got what I wanted out of the character.

On the other hand, I would like to point out that help religon pulls up the help sphere file. The responses I've received from you, are the first clarificatoins I've had concerning the distinction between sphere's and religon. Thanks for the clarification, please consider making seperate religon and sphere helpfiles. Something to the nature of, "Religon is the responsibility of players."

I don't think that cabals are very religious. They seem more like groups of people who have the same political goals. Ragers hate magic, and that might be misconstrued as religious, but...I think it has been established that mages gather magic from their surroundings. Mages don't have to pray to get their magic. The rager hatred is more akin to a racial hatred.

There are no organized religons on CF. I am a big fan of cathedrals, with fervant followers. I think it is wrong to expect players to come up with this stuff on their own. Nobody wants more cabals. We do need some help coming up with some infrastructure to support religons. We do not want a single player character responsible for starting a religon... No matter how good their roleplay, that is WAAAaaayy too much to give to any body.

So basically, I'd like to see churches/temples devoted to worship of certain religons. There needs to be an incentive for players to follow these religons... Maybe tattoos and empowerment come a little bit easier for followers of organized religon. HEey! They're told how to act, and they know who to goto for help, and they can give tithes (oooh, that's an easy way to measure devotion)..

People are fighting for no reason. Add religon in, and we've got more, fabulous, ROleplay!

In all honesty, players wandering around all on their lonesome is not very religious or realistic. Historically, religon is used for political power. The masses want to be led! =)