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Topic subjectRE: RP Pet-Peeves: All for a better 2010.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=30093&mesg_id=30671
30671, RE: RP Pet-Peeves: All for a better 2010.
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My personal RP pet peeve are OOC, out-of-game responses to in-game issues when active characters are involved.

For example, a few people from different cabals raid Empire, and an imperial immediately posts it on an out-of-game forum to "call them out."

Or, an imperial gank starts tearing up their range for a couple weeks, and some fortress guy posts a rant on an out-of-game forum to "call them out."

Or, your groupmate betrays you, and you run to an out-of-game forum to let everyone know to beware of the guy.

And so on.

This is one of those rare occasions when the rose-colored glasses reflect reality because waaaay back when I first started playing CF, there weren't any out-of-game forums, and situations like these had to be handled in the game using means like bard notes. Which was awesome because it had to be Roleplayed. This isn't just character assassination, it's taking the easy way out of situations that could be handled in a Roleplayed way that's more interesting for everyone involved. So for 2010, I say let's keep the in-game frustrations in-game and see what cool RP situations develop.