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Topic subjectI wanted to make a comment, and, I didn't know if I should add it here or the new DB thread, oh well here we go
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=24562&mesg_id=24663
24663, I wanted to make a comment, and, I didn't know if I should add it here or the new DB thread, oh well here we go
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just wanted to say that I play alot of ragers and to date (at least to the best of my knowledge with PBF) my highest grossing kill rager was a defender warrior. Now, I'm not exactly a PK machine, but, all things being equal, in this case my skill, all of your arguements makes it seem like the berserker is the ultimate killer. It isn't.

While I like ragers because they are self-reliant. It is also a huge drawback. I get bored having to collect gold, and preps etc, but, I'll tell you what, it sure would be nice to be able to pay the village healer to save your ass when your bleeding to death or being raided. Not to mention how nice it would be to quaff out of a bad situation.

Lastly, as a berserker I've gotten tooled by some warriors who knew what they were doing. Fjarn is completely right when he says the one time you get burnt by DB you think its the worst, but, as a berserker that fight was one in a small handful of your fights that that actually happened.