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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: The problem is:
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=24562&mesg_id=24619
24619, RE: The problem is:
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The problem is you cannot balance the game based on the
>lowest common denominator. No matter what character
>race/class/cabal combo you (Scrimbul) play, your only options
>at landing PKs is to gank or pray for luck. If you played a
>rager berserker warrior, your death thread would be something
>along the lines of:
>"Sacer was on crack. Conjurers are stupid #### and broken.
>Ragers can only use resist, and can't prep up the ass like
>other characters to handle the conjurer's broken ass magic
>missle - aka "one round mana-laced flurries of death." What
>were the IMMs thinking giving conjurers a flurry attack at
>level 1?? And then giving them a healer? And a mob that can
>detect hidden and camo?? I got 4 rounded by a conjurer
>wearing ragesteel. Yeah I ganked and full sac'd him after
>that. Ragers should be able to gank conjurers. Period."
>The solution is really for you to swallow your pride, accept
>that you are a student, and just get better at the game. It
>would lend so much more credibility to your arguments re: game

Simple way to ruin a conjurer's day:

DB the elemental to death. It has no HP and no damage reduction. This goes double if the conjurer is using a book to conjure, in which case he can't get better than perfect match barring strange circumstances I haven't accounted for yet since the conjurer can't put extra mana into a book conjure.

DB the demon/angel to death. Unless it's a challegha with oozeshield it has no damage reduction. Again, it also has only as much HP as an average player.

Dent the archon/devil's HP. Even if you don't kill it, if you hurt it enough you signifigantly increase the chances of it turning on the conjurer, especially if it's evil.

There's no reason for you to have to continually pound on a brick wall if the conjurer has A/B/S. It will either get out of your hair or die when one of the servitors goes down, and prior to that get overconfident because you're not swinging at the conjurer.

A Rager has better options to accomplish any of this because of resist and spellbane, without even being a berserker, at hero if they gear properly. Most folks have to tackle this with few or no preps in situations where ONE of these stupid mobs can solo them down.

Furthermore it's right in the story of Thera that conjurers > Ragers. What they didn't put in the story is that unless you're using demons for damage output and a/b/s to protect yourself you're probably not killing the Rager unless the Rager lets himself get rotted by the devil.

Meanwhile no matter which servitor you swing at you still stand a decent chance of wrecking the conjurer's day real fast, with killing the elemental being the easiest of options. That archon's not going to be doing much if it has to choose to heal the conjurer over damaging you when the elemental is gone, and ANY servitor in the game can get pissed and jump the conjurer when he has no mana if it's hurt enough.

And finally, you can still walk away from a conjurer on foot unless the conjurer has put 300 some-odd hours into perfecting an exotic weapon skill that isn't swing.

Bard Repertoire Clarifications: