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Topic subjectRE: If the answer is
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=24562&mesg_id=24618
24618, RE: If the answer is
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Dunno man. I've seen a couple skilled, well-geared,
>prep-chugging non-village warriors pretty much own the
>berserker warriors they've fought.
>Now, granted, they're not always fighting someone on the "high
>end" like Woldrun. Also they're skilled, well-geared, and
>toting around tons of preps. So they pretty much represent
>the "upper limit" of warriordom.
>But, then again, there's probably always going to be one or
>two of these type guys running around. The Kostyans,
>Hunsobos, Igbahs and Humberts of the world. You don't think
>they crushed their fair share of berserkers? And I'm not just
>talking about when the village doesn't have its item. So if
>you're playing a berserker, it's almost guaranteed that at
>some point you're going to have to deal with someone who can
>punk you in melee. And, unlike him, you don't have word or

How is this related to the original point?

Yeah, there's builds that can beat berserkers.

However being a berserker sharply reduces the chances of beating the same build as if he was a non-berserker.

Why would the average denominator give a crap about whether the higher end folds would beat you in melee? That happens all the time. It's far outstripped by the people you accidentally kill. 'Woops, I just did 600 some-odd damage to you in a single round. Too bad that's over half of your HP unless you're hoarding limited HP gear. Sorry.'

Prep-chugging is the key problem here. Somehow everyone forgot this aspect of the game eats time like no other and it got swept under the rug and everyone stopped bitching because it wasn't required for everyone else. Suddenly haste is gone but thirst exists, there's no edible barrier, and everyone is happy? Why?

Furthermore if the disadvantages are so ####ing hard why is the Berserker so popular still relative to the other two paths, both of which would vastly increase your survival rate? Because variable unpredictable damage gets kills and thirst more than any other skill instantly changes the tide of a fight going sour, especially right near the village. That's why.

I should point out that the Village pit is the only pit that is still consistently packed with gear relative to other cabals, which only have this happen intermittently while in power. Empire basically has no pit, and the other cabals are leaving so much gear in their opponent's corpses their own pits don't see as much use. This is indicative of how many freaking Berserkers are around, not Ragers.

Bard Repertoire Clarifications: