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Topic subjectCF Misconceptions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=21747&mesg_id=21747
21747, CF Misconceptions
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My free gift of the day to the players: a few CF misinformations and misconceptions illuminated to the best of my ability:

- Cabal leaders do not get any kind of general skill bonus. People probably think this because Scion leaders gain a bonus specifically to their cabal powers.

The orc chief does see a few perks for leadership as far as orc skills go, but I want to say most of that is just by virtue of being a level 51 orc instead of a level 50 one, so I'm not sure if you want to count that.

- More overall damage is more important in killing a phantasmal killer than the number of hits dealt to it. If iceneedles seems really good here, probably it's because iceneedles is a lot of damage period to unarmored opponents, and phantasmal killers don't have a lot in the way of armor.

- Liches do not have 25 stats across the board and never have. I don't even know how that one got started.

- Shifters in form typically swap their normal racial vulns and resistances for that of their form.

- STSF knowledge does bleed out reasonably quickly over time. It isn't all or nothing and it doesn't last until you quit.

- Generally, if you think a Tribunal has given you a bogus flag or otherwise has wronged you, you need to appeal to Tribunal mortal leadership or a Tribunal Immortal. It's not a rules matter and other Immortals are not going to get involved. We make an exception when a Tribunal tries to flag a dozen people at random, otherwise, you're on your own -- it plays out IC. They've got a chain of command for a reason; one of those reasons is so I don't need to get those complaints.

- Soul of the Mountain does exactly what you see on score. No more, no less.

- There are no class-based components to parry success. Obviously, a warrior who has the axe and flourintine skills will parry an axe a lot better than an invoker without either, but that's not because of his class.

- As far as I know, there was no Gates of the Forge nerf-fest. Sorry.

- From a bird's eye view, generally, your character's enemies collaborate a lot less than you think. Sometimes it seems that way because your enemies know a good place to find you is the cabal where your item is, and sometimes it seems that way because you don't realize your enemies are fighting each other too. Often I'll see (for example) Outlander druid runs up by Fortress, kills a Fort conjurer, and is accused of Empireguy on his way to get his item back of holding hands with Fort even as he runs for his life from the rest of the Fort coming after him.

Generally, whatever cabal you think is behaving ####ty, you'll see things differently if you play it for a while.