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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectNeuro edges?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=20724&mesg_id=20730
20730, Neuro edges?
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just to take one example - this is already a very deadly spell. It completely immobilises a foe if they fail the save.

Originally, you'd then have to switch to damage spells on those with high redux or maledictions in order to survive against those with high melee. Your attacks would be nice but not sufficient enough to win against most opponents just by stunning.

The edges surrounding it all contribute toward you doing more damage to that opponent while they're stunned - read that again, that means it does MORE HARM when it succeeds at it's best. Throw in adrenal burst (also edgified), and those with high damage redux have just been screwed by nearly unblockable 3 attacks per round, with extra damage. Add in psyche crush (which doesn't even require a decent success), and now you can do huge damage to those high melee chars (with low mental stats) without the need to switch spells either - allowing you to out damage even axe wielding giants if you've absed. The only people who look good, are the high int/wis warriors. And they were frail enough to get eaten by soften/disrupt anyway.

So how is that not a huge boost to an already good skill?

Edit: See, now I do feel bad for attacking the imms work. In the end, you're right, the balancing needs to be done on longer term testing. But there seem some edges that were just a bad idea from the get-go. There's some that would be great rewards for certain characters - but there are also smart players willing to take advantage of them and use them to pwn in ways that just seem wrong. It's unfair toward either of the parties to remove them completely, but some kind of nerfing would likely be welcome for those classes that were already killer - and were made more so by empowering their already deadly PK winning skills. Such as Rot, Neuro, and Fiending.