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Topic subjectorc discussion
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2029, orc discussion
Posted by Notorious INS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**DISCLAIMER: I've only been playing like 2 months and never played D&D, MUD's or read more than one Dragon Lance book. So if there are reasons for the way Orcs are the way they are right now, just let me know

I've rolled a couple char's and tried to find one that I enjoy/have the ability to RP with and can still handle myself in a PK environment. So far I've had a Giant War, H-Elf Ranger and Orc-Bers. Out of the three I liked the Orc the best..HOWEVER his skills and stats we're sad..let me just point out a couple things and let me know what you think if you would:

1) Stats:

for a 100 penalty your H-elf war gets a bonus in a prime stat (str for here), move quiet in natural, str: herculean , int:

super-gen, wis: sagacious, Dex: Quick Con: Healthy

for the orc:
same 100 penalty, str: herc, int: avg, wis: avg, dex: dextrous, con:Vig ..ouch..makes sense but maybe a lil stronger?

2) skills not making sense / need tweaking

keep in mind your taking 3 pr's to train anything here and not getting very many each level..i think 2?

a) more than likely your not dodging much with your orc (I assume you want to be heavy to bash?) but you still dont get parry until level 13? two ranks after your in PK range?? dodge at 18??

b)now orcs I know fight a lot amongst each other but they are supposed to group together (hence the exp bonus when grouped
and because everyone wants to kill them so its "safe" to group with other orcs) so you get steal but can only steal from other orcs? lol..i mean i understand that they probaly would see why orcs would..but limiting that to only orcs kinda makes it useless..theres not many orcs to group with, (I cant remember how many times I was asked to group and then just killed by other players) so when you finally get a group of orcs you gotta worry about them stealing things from you?

c)My last one to keep this post kinda short..Orcs are cowardly they auto-flee, you would guess they would learn to hide at an early age..so why they dont learn to hide until level 37 (only in swamps and caves makes sense to me) i have no idea.

So in conclusion..i really enjoy playing orcs, i like the fact that they are not warriors and should not play as warriors but in a MUD where PK'ing is a major factor I think they need a lil bit of tweaking, but still they're skills are fun to use and aide me when I RP. However if they're a clan ,with clan talk, I dont see why there would be no initiatives to make this race/class combo more playable and an actual force in game. The only suggestion I would have is to make some of their skills available at a younger age.

if you read all of this ..wow
if you comment ..wow and keep in mind the disclaimer
