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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectI'm gonna have to throw the #### card at you.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=1675&mesg_id=1725
1725, I'm gonna have to throw the #### card at you.
Posted by Rade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You guys are so wrapped up in 'beating' the guys who use the magic decoder pen that you have made the game so difficult that anyone who doesn't use the magic decoder pen has nearly no chance of surviving.

You have intentionally vague help files accompanied by intentionally vague posts on your official forum. The game is already difficult enough as it is. You have 15 or so distinct classes and a near equal number of distinct races. Let's not forget about the number of cabals out there. There must be hundreds and hundreds of race/class/cabal(power) combinations. I've been playing for 2 years and I can barely keep track of what to expect coming after me. Furthermore we've thief paths, warrior specs, shifter focus, etc. You've changed the practicing scheme several times. Recently there's been rash of immortal characters rollin in and doing stuff that no one's ever heard of before, who have no help files. I can't begin to count how many people have asked me for coppers cause they can't afford food or practice since the copper changes. And this isn't just the lowbie ranks, up into the mid/late twenties people have no clue how to get money. Evidently people were just ranking way too easily because you ran around and gave random ranking mobs spec skills, though you neglected to balance that by lowering their hp or any other noticable stat.

Someone comes along and suggests you throw us a freaking bone and how do you respond? You give a sarcastic insinuating response, and then throw up the immortal cloud of obfuscation all in the name of what? You don't want to spoonfeed? This is exactly the attitude that makes me visit these forums less and less frequently.