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Topic subjectRE: Druid Edge Suggestions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=16315&mesg_id=16324
16324, RE: Druid Edge Suggestions
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I just wanted to offer up some druid edge ideas. Some of
>these might seem too powerful....some now powerful
>enough....some too quirky...but the whole idea is to help the
>brainstorming process. In addition, I'm going to give them
>straight mechanical titles...because I really thing only the
>development team can name them the way it should be without
>being cheesy.
>Herbal Forage Specialist: Increases the chance you will get
>the primary herbs associated with a forest as oppose to the
>utility consolation. (This would have no affect on the few
>forests designed to always be utility)

Name suggestion: Herbalist

>Beastmaster Affinity: Increases the chance of calling the
>greater option when two animal types are possible. Perhaps
>other small Call of the Wild tweaks.

Name suggestions: Caller of the wilds, One with beasts, Kin to beasts

>Green Thumb: Decreases the amount of lag recovery time needed
>after planting. Increases duration and resistance to being
>Treeform Edge: Gives the ability to draw on water and food
>while in treeform and lowers slightly the lag time out of

Name suggestion: One with trees

>Weather Edge: Increases weather control beyond better/worse
>and lowers time between call lightnings.
>Enhanced Carapace: Increases protections against
>non-elemental and non-metal damage, eg. physical...by either
>slightly more damage reduction or increasing the chance of
>taking less damage.
>Brambles Edge: Without turning it into the all powerful wall
>of thorns...makes one random exit direction harder to
>Natures Wrath: Decreases the opponents chance to resist
>primordial vengeance.
>Arial Druid Edge: Increase the power of birdform.

Kin to birds would be a good name.

Where's the bearform edge(Kin to bears?) for cloud giants(are they not huge, like bears are)?

>Cloud Druid Edge: Increased Protection Related

Why is this cloud in particular?