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Topic subjectRE: Quick note re: invokers:
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=129&mesg_id=161
161, RE: Quick note re: invokers:
Posted by Cathoir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Great now im defending nepenthe whats next?
>Well any who here it goes. First of all every spec except
>sword/dagger/polearm has a lagging attack.

Which gets rid of 2 of 3 tanking specs... something most warriors should and will have at least one of.

> Now that leaves
>the question of your spec combo's if you go cookie cutter
>yeah sure they are great for everything. Spear/staff can
>slow down casting, so can axe, so can mace, so can whip, and
>h2h. If you wanna make a warrior for the sole purpose of
>killing invokers im sure you can mix and match enough that
>invkoer can be lagged no matter what type of protective
>shield he has up. If you wanna go with a traditional cookie
>cutter choice so that you can kick everyone elses ass thats
>your choice too. Just dont complain about not being able to
>do both. That is where balance comes in, if imms wanted a
>specific spec combo to be the end all and be all of warriors
>they wouldnt have coded the rest of them in. Every spec has
>its up's and its downs use them to your benefit.
>Now as far as lagging out an invoker goes, why would imms
>make it so it was easy to lag out an invoker. This is a
>class that is depends solely on its spell casting to be able
>to handle itself in pk's. If everyone and their brother
>could lag an invoker out then there would be no point in
>playing one now would there, they would exist just to pad
>the pk ratio's of warriors. But now that I think about it I
>am certain that a lot of classes have the ability to lag an
>invoker out.

Ummm, is it really that unfair for a warrior to get around two rounds of attacks per invoker spell... which often does sick damage? I don't think so.

>Assassins got their kicks.

Tigerclaw is a little more useful i'd wager.

>Bards got roundhouse and another nifty little trick.

Their other nifty trick doesn't go through one of the shields. If you are a bard trying to roundhouse an invoker to death you have other problems you should be dealing with.

>Thieves got trip and cheap shot, sure you can claim that
>catching invokers without fly is hard. Thats why you got
>hide bucko, sneak up on them.

Yea, but arial invokers are IMPOSSIBLE to kill as a thief. Also, once you catch an invoker with his pants down he usually just starts walking around with shield of air constantly when you're around, which is an easy castable fly for invokers. Still though, I was plenty happy to see a non arial invoker around as Vhenos... but defending against them while they're prepped was literally impossible.

>Paladins can slow down casting by shield bash?

See bard comment.

>Warriors well we already went over that.
>AP's can deafen an invoker. And well ap's can trip an
>invoker too even if he is flying il let you figure out how
>that works.

Yes, at least ap's have options.

>Rangers: Hmm tricky one bearcharge is one, im not so certain
>about entangle I havent played a ranger in a while. But you
>are welcome to test it out.

I think there's a shield that stops bearcharge?

>Any who thats just off the top of my head im sure other
>classes have stuff in their arsenal too.
>Much Love