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Topic subjectRE: Code changes November 2006
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=15320&mesg_id=15322
15322, RE: Code changes November 2006
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Race Specific Changes
>>- Shapeshifted felars no longer count towards pack sense
>Posted for Nefla from Dio:

I feel like I'm playing telephone...

>I thought this was one of the (very few) advantages of being a
>felar shapeshifter. What about when I'm a feline form?
>Shouldn't that still count towards pack sense? Yes it looked
>odd when I would rank with cobra and get tearing claws, but
>wouldn't the "right" fix be to make it a bite, or at least to
>have feline forms unaffected?

Yes...I changed it specifically because it looks odd when you are ranking with a cobra.

As for the "right" fix...should we just make all shifters with cats count towards an inherant? what about other forms with a pack sense like wolves? There are more questions like this, and the short and simple answer is, no. It is felar specific, and in form, you really aren't a felar...you're whatever you shifted into.