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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectCode changes November 2006
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=15320&mesg_id=15320
15320, Code changes November 2006
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Code changes November 2006

General Changes
- When you gain a level, you get a full restore (hp/mana/move)
- Decreased the delta between 1 man, 2 man and 3 man experience groups
---- Previous: 1 man = 100%, 2 man = 200% / 2, 3 man = 400% / 3
---- New: 1 man = 115%, 2 man = 250% / 2, 3 man = 400% / 3
- Fixed an issue where the prompt would shrink if you were low on health and had color turned on
- Added an option for coloring objects (See HELP COLOR)

Race Specific Changes
- Shapeshifted felars no longer count towards pack sense

Class Specific Changes
- Fixed mass metabolic slowing and mass corporeal softening so they will actually aggro everything they hit

- All blends are now the equivalent of fast-camouflage
- A hairy, long-legged spider: They will no longer break their own web
- A manta ray: Fixed "Can move and stay camouflaged"

- Bind legs will affect shapeshifters in form better
- Untie will stop if the peson is slept in the middle of the process

- Pandhandling will now increase through use
- Panhandling now tells you how much money you make

- Extended the duration from herbs for bear form from 2 to 10
- Extended the duration from herbs for condor form from 3 to 12
- Decreased the duration of the herbal forage affect for herbs used in shapeshifting by half
- Made it so you can revert from form, and go back into form without spending another herb if you still have shifting duration
- Added an echo to let you know when the herb is half-used up
- Added an echo to let you know when the herb is almost gone

- Fixed throw vs. warrior spec mobs (Any weapon spec mob would roll out of throws, instead of just hand spec mobs)

- Quicksand: Oozeshield will protect from quicksand when it is cast

- Iron Grip will prevent you from dropping your weapon due to convulsion & vomiting

Cabal Specific Changes
- Cry of Deliverance will now correctly attack shapeshifters

- Strengthen will work on opal, ruby and onyx now

- Assassin bond: Both parts of endure are now shared through the bond