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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: Goodie vs. Goodie
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=13639&mesg_id=13666
13666, RE: Goodie vs. Goodie
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Apparently I didn't really get across the point I was trying to make. You point out that in CF there are well-defined alignments that are readily detectable. Okay. So you know someone, be it a player or non-player character, is "evil". Why does that make it okay to kill that person, as a good-aligned character? Did they do something to you? Did you see them do something to someone else? Why is "kills anything that's evil" or "kills anything with a red aura" acceptable role-play for a non-Maran goodie? Seems pretty jacked up to me. Except it's generally accepted as okay role-play.

Take arial prisoners. Here are some evil dudes. Except they've been apprehended and are serving their time, watched by guards. But does anybody have a problem with a bunch of foreigners waltz into town, enter the prison, and start slaughtering them? Nope. Nobody bats an eye.

Point being...if your argument is that it doesn't "make sense" for it to be considered "good" for a good-aligned rager to pop good-aligned mages...then my response is that neither does it make sense for non-Maran good-aligned folks to be killing random evils. We're already working within a system that's horribly inconsistent in the name of game-play.

Imho you're asking for a little too much hang-wringing from the ragers and outlanders of the world. Sure, a good-aligned rager is going to regret, on some level, the fact that he has to destroy an otherwise peaceful elf because the guy uses magic. But is he going to get all teary-eyed about it? No. Bottom line, the guy's using forbidden powers and has to be stopped.