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Topic subjectsince I have played a couple of goodie villagers in the past
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=13639&mesg_id=13647
13647, since I have played a couple of goodie villagers in the past
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think your suggestion is horrible. Being a goodie really isn't about not attacking other goodies. Its about conducting yourself in a way that follows a defined moral code that is not just about you. In the vast majority of cases attacking people who are like minded is bad mojo on the morality meter but there are those cases where two people might both be striving for good but thinking in different directions.

as a real life example take abortion. Some people think its evil to kill unborn children. Other people think its evil to bring children into thte world who are very likely going to end up suffering their entire life as a result of the circumstance of their birth. While I am not voicing my opinion on this matter you can see that both sides are trying to act in a matter that they see is for the greater good but their totally at odds with one another.

In cf this can translate to a village goodie showing zero remorse for slaying a goodie because by their code of ethics a mage could be the epitome of absolute evil. or they could feel bad for the mage being misguided but either way they are trying to accomplish something for the greater good and are more likely then not doing some self sacrificing of their own that you may or may not be aware of.

a neutral character is someone who acts sometimes in their own best interests and sometime in others best interest. While getting attacked by a goodie outlander, rager, or tribunal may feel bad on your side they sure as hell are not doing it just for the sake of doing it. If these same guys just start randomly hunting everyone or only attacking when its benifiting to them and holding off when its not then I can see the switch. As long as they are consistent and have a well defined set of morals thats outwardly focused though I see nothing wrong.