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Topic subjectbeware...mild rant inside
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=1209&mesg_id=1225
1225, beware...mild rant inside
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

People are sheep. I'll state, on record, that I think that both good and evil are being real tools right now. My char is trying to even things out in his own way but his efforts really aren't coming to fruition, however the game is getting seriously lame (and I die about once every two months, instead of two days). For the winning side its boring and unfulfilling. From the losing side its frustrating and unnecessarily difficult.

What I'd like to see is for team good/sylvan to stop being such weenies and go explore for a bit and let evils rank up, or at least thin out their rank/ganging parties a bit. I'd also like to see team evil grow some balls and intelligence, combine the two and present a unified front.

Neither will likely happen, eventually a few goodies will get bored, they'll delete, chain reaction will occur, evil will reign for a while and it'll rinse and repeat itself. The mere thought of that depresses me greatly, and while it creates an adequate level of challenge for those independant evils out there making their living in blood, it certainly adds a depressing real life element of how people are assholes when it comes to their egos.

So help me, if I see one more post by Team Evil or Team Good on this subject, I'm going to freakin' lose it. I've seen people accuse goods of 'heroing to avoid fighting' and seen people accuse evils of 'not heroing to avoid fighting'. From a rather basic standpoint, one of those arguements is ludicrous (I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to determine which one)....as for the 'hey heros go explore and don't kill the lowbies in your pk range'...uhm, yeah okay. I read that as 'ignore your roleplay obligations and let your enemy get a foothold'. From a player's point of view, I see what you're saying...however from the same player's point of view let me tell you what I've seen over the many years of CF.
We've all read/commented about the constant flux that CF exists in. Be in magic vs ragers, good vs evil, or gnome vs giant. We've come to all more or less realise that the scale slides back and forth. The newest trend in dealing with this is driving me ape####. Drop the 'team' mentalitys folks. Play what you want to play, not the 'side' that's up, not the 'side' that is down. Play what you want to play. That being said, let me alter it slightly with a reminder that the game is only fun if there is opposition...so if what you want to play is going to have a rough ride...charge in and keep charging. Why some of you feel the urge to delete after one crappy death is beyond me. I can't tell you how many people I've seen delete after their first loss with something like 20/1 pk count on a well played, very powerful, character. It makes no sense. If you're so competitive that you can't stand dieing once, then I don't care what you think of your own skills, you suck. Short and simple. Part of being a skilled pk'er is accepting your losses and learning from them. In the 8 years I've been around CF, I think the number of people who have played lengthy characters without every dieing can be counted on one, maybe two fingers. In closing, if anyone who chronicly rage deletes at the first death still considers themself 'l33t'...reread this. Point two (or was it point one?): Stop bitching about CF flux, it happens, enjoy the challange when the side your character is on is down. Look for new challenges when the side your character is on is up. (Notice I said 'your characters'...there's an important reason for that)