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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectApology
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=1102&mesg_id=1102
1102, Apology
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I apologize to those of you in the heavens who made this game and play it the way it should be, with no #### OOC. I apologize to the players I cheated with, I did you a disservice, every one of you has skill that should never require OOC #### like we did. Cabal leaders, Cabal elders, you are the cream of the crop, what example do WE set when we bend or break the rules of war? This place is bad ass, a mudders heaven, and to even get to the really good stuff you have to endure an ungodly amount of ####. And its not even about balance, or cabals, or deathblow or any of that ####, its about people. People are ####ty, me included, because we want every advantage, the world we have grown up in has dicated that life is only good and "successful" if you are above the competition. It doesnt matter if it's CF or Wall Street. People are just inherently bad, me included, and I can't be a ####bag anymore, so it's time to own up to being a cheater and apologize. Maybe someone else out there will realize that if we keep going on this competitive "####-the-next-man" self-indulging ####, that the world isn't going to be any better for our kids or their kids and so on. Imms here despite all the #### I had heard showed me what's up, you had class and you were proffessional to the end, it's us, the players that #### this MUD and the world up everyday. It's time to sack up and be grown men and women and do #### right, by the rules. If you want to compete at anything be it the Olympics or a late night CF pk spree, keep it fair and real and it will be better in the long haul for all of us and so on down the road. I'm finally sorry to you whose trust I betrayed, I feel like a narc and I'm sure you are pissed but look at yourselves in the mirror like I have and you might realize it's time for a change if you are really looking and not just going through the motions. ::Stream of conscious flame at will but I hope you reap what you sow::